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Innate immune recognition of bacterial ligands by NAIPs determines inflammasome specificity.

Kofoed EM, Vance RE
Nature. 2011 Aug 28;477(7366):592-5. doi: 10.1038/nature10394. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
60199mscv2.2-NLRC4Mouse NLRC4 expressed under the constitutive, moderate-level retroviral LTR promoter, expresses in mammalian cells; IRES-GFP reporter downstream of NLRC4
60200mscv2.2-NAIP1Mouse NAIP1 expressed under the constitutive, moderate-level retroviral LTR promoter, expresses in mammalian cells; IRES-GFP reporter downstream of NAIP1
60201mscv2.2-NAIP2Mouse NAIP2 expressed under the constitutive, moderate-level retroviral LTR promoter, expresses in mammalian cells; IRES-GFP reporter downstream of NAIP2
60202mscv2.2-NAIP6Mouse NAIP6 expressed under the constitutive, moderate-level retroviral LTR promoter, expresses in mammalian cells; IRES-GFP reporter downstream of NAIP6
60203mscv2.2-6mycFlaA6xMYC-tagged full-length FlaA from Legionella pneumophila, expressed under the constitutive, moderate-level retroviral LTR promoter for mammalian cell expression; IRES-GFP reporter downstream of FlaA
60204mscv2.2-6mycPrgJ6myc-tagged PrgJ (SPI-1 rod protein) from Salmonella typhimurium, under the constitutive, moderate-level retroviral LTR promoter for mammalian cell expression; IRES-GFP reporter downstream of PrgJ
60206mscv2.2Mammalian cell expression plasmid; drives constitutive, low-level expression from retroviral LTR; retroviral vector

Antibodies from Article