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Molecular structure and enzymatic function of lycopene cyclase from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp strain PCC7942.

Cunningham FX Jr, Sun Z, Chamovitz D, Hirschberg J, Gantt E
Plant Cell. 1994 Aug;6(8):1107-21. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
53262pAC-EHERContains a 7 gene carotenoid pathway gene cluster of Erwinia herbicola (Pantoea agglomerans) Eho10 and thereby produces zeaxanthin diglucoside in Escherichia coli
53270pAC-LYCContains 3 genes (crtE, crtI, and crtB) of the carotenoid pathway gene cluster of Erwinia herbicola (Pantoea agglomerans) Eho10 and thereby produces lycopene in Escherichia coli
53271pAC-NEURContains the Erwinia herbicola (Pantoea agglomerans) Eho10 genes crtE and crtB, and the Rhodobacter capsulatus crtI gene and thereby produces neurosporene in Escherichia coli
53300pAC-PHYTContains Erwinia herbicola Eho10 (Pantoea agglomerans) crtE and crtB genes, and thereby produces phytoene in E. coli
53316pAC-ZETAContains Erwinia herbicola Eho10 genes crtE and crtB, together with the pds (crtP) gene of Synechococcus PCC7942 fused to the lacZ gene at the N terminus. Produces zeta-carotene in E. coli.

Antibodies from Article