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A novel probe for phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate reveals multiple pools beyond the Golgi.

Hammond GR, Machner MP, Balla T
J Cell Biol. 2014 Apr 7. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
51469GFP-P4M-SidMBiosensor for PtdIns4P
51470iRFP-P4M-SidMBiosensor for PtdIns4P
51471mCherry-P4M-SidMBiosensor for PtdIns4P
51472GFP-P4M-SidMx2Biosensor for PtdIns4P
51612iRFP-FRB-Rab5Recruiter to Rab5-positive endosomes
51613iRFP-FRB-Rab7Recruiter to Rab7-positive endosomes
51614mCherry-FKBP-MTM1Recruitable PtdIns3P/PtdIns(3,5)P2 phosphatase
51615iRFP-TTC7Bscaffold for PI4KA
51616NS5A-mCherryHep C non-structural protein 5A (binds PI4KA)

Antibodies from Article