Jesse Rinehart Lab: Rinehart Lab Phosphoprotein synthesis components
Plasmids from Article
ID | Plasmid | Purpose |
52053 | pCRT7 NT Topo tetR/pLtetO Amp‐WT sfGFP | Used in phosphoprotein synthesis. Replace the sfGFP with gene of interest (GOI). Add TAG amber codon(s) at the position(s) in GOI where phosphoserine incorporation is desired. |
52054 | pKD‐SepRS-EFSep-5x tRNASep (B40 OTS) | Used in phosphoprotein synthesis. Expresses the Sep-accepting tRNA (tRNASep), the Sep-tRNA synthetase (SepRS) and an engineered EF-Tu (EFSep) |