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A lentiviral microRNA-based system for single-copy polymerase II-regulated RNA interference in mammalian cells.

Stegmeier F, Hu G, Rickles RJ, Hannon GJ, Elledge SJ
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Sep 13. 102(37):13212-7. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
11655pPRIME-TET-GFP-recipient3rd generation lentiviral transfer vector. pPRIME-mating recipient plasmid with a tetracycline-responsive promoter (TET) controlling GFP expression
11656pPRIME-TET-GIN-recipient3rd generation lentiviral transfer vector. pPRIME-mating recipient plasmid with a tetracycline-responsive promoter (TET) controlling GFP-IRES-Neo expression
11657pPRIME-CMV-GFP-recipient3rd generation lentiviral transfer vector. pPRIME-mating recipient plasmid with CMV promoter controlling GFP expression
11658pPRIME-CMV-dsRed-recipient3rd generation lentiviral transfer vector. pPRIME-mating recipient plasmid with CMV promoter controlling dsRed expression
11659pPRIME-CMV-Neo-recipient3rd generation lentiviral transfer vector. pPRIME-mating recipient plasmid with CMV promoter controlling Neomycin expression
11660pPRIME-CMV-LNGFR-recipient3rd generation lentiviral transfer vector. pPRIME-mating recipient plasmid with CMV promoter controlling low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor (LNGFR) expression
11661pPRIME-TREX-GFP-recipient3rd generation lentiviral transfer vector. pPRIME-mating recipient plasmid with Tet-responsive promoter (TREX) controlling GFP expression
11662pPRIME-TET-GFP-FF33rd generation lentiviral transfer vector. pPRIME cloning plasmid with a tetracycline-responsive promoter (TET) controlling expression of GFP and miR30-based shRNA targeting firefly luciferase
11663pPRIME-CMV-GFP-FF33rd generation lentiviral transfer vector. pPRIME cloning plasmid with CMV promoter controlling expression of GFP and miR30-based shRNA targeting firefly luciferase
11664pPRIME-CMV-dsRed-FF33rd generation lentiviral transfer vector. pPRIME cloning plasmid with a CMV promoter controlling expression of dsRed and miR30-based shRNA targeting firefly luciferase
11665pPRIME-CMV-Neo-FF33rd generation lentiviral transfer vector. pPRIME cloning plasmid with a CMV promoter controlling expression of Neomycin and miR30-based shRNA targeting firefly luciferase
11666pPRIME-CMV-LNGFR-FF33rd generation lentiviral transfer vector. pPRIME cloning plasmid with a CMV promoter controlling expression of LNGFR and miR30-based shRNA targeting firefly luciferase
11667pPRIME-TREX-GFP-FF33rd generation lentiviral transfer vector. pPRIME cloning plasmid with a Tet-responsive promoter (TREX) controlling expression of GFP and miR30-based shRNA targeting firefly luciferase
11675BUN21/pML300 (recipient strain)
12082DH10beta F' DOT sbcC (donor strain)

Antibodies from Article