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Gateway compatible vectors for analysis of gene function in the zebrafish.

Villefranc JA, Amigo J, Lawson ND
Dev Dyn. 2007 Nov . 236(11):3077-87. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
13070221 pCS 3MT DEST
13071223 pCS EGFP DEST
13075362 pCS Cherry DEST
22466453 pCSMTN5ICD
31160478 p5Efli1ep
31165597 pCSmCherry
73483240 pTol2005bTol2 vector with multi cloning site
73484251 pTol2Destpromoterless Tol2 vector with attR1/attR2 cassette and late SV40 polyadenylation signal
73485252 pTol2-MTDestpromoterless Tol2 vector with 6xmyc tag upstream of and in frame with attR1/attR2 cassette and late SV40 polyadenylation signal
73486343 pTol2-fli1epDestTol2 vector with chimeric endothelial enhancer/promoter upstream of attR1/R2 cassette and late SV40 pA signal
73487366 pTol2-CherryDestpromoterless Tol2 vector with mCherry tag upstream of and in frame with attR1/attR2 cassette and late SV40 polyadenylation signal
73488369 pTol-lmo2:egfpDestTol2 vector with lmo2 promoter upstream of EGFP, attR1/R2 cassette and late SV40 pA signal
73489370 pTol2-lmo2:CherryDestTol2 vector with lmo2 promoter upstream of Cherry, attR1/R2 cassette, and late SV40 pA signal
73490371 pTol2-fli1ep:MTDestTol2 vector with fli1ep element upstream of 6xmyc, attR1/R2 cassette, and late SV40 pA signal
73491372 pTol2-fli1ep:EGFPDestTol2 vector with fli1ep element upstream of EGFP, attR1/R2 cassette, and late SV40 pA signal
73493373 pTol2-fli1ep:CherryDestTol2 vector with fli1ep element upstream of mCherry, attR1/R2 cassette, and late SV40 pA signal

Antibodies from Article