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Jonathan Ploski Lab: Ploski Lab Plasmids 2025


Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
233025pAAV-EFS-CasRx-P2A-mCherry-pATo Express HA tagged CasRX and mcherry from the mammalian EFS promoter. The CasRx and mCherry are separated by a P2A site
233026pAAV-EFS-hfCas13d-P2A-mCherry-pATo Express HA Tagged hfCas13d and mcherry from the mammalian EFS promoter. The hfCas13d and mCherry are separated by a P2A site
233027pAAV-EFS-DjCas13d-P2A-mCherry-pATo Express HA tagged DjCas13d and mcherry from the mammalian EFS promoter. The DjCas13dx and mCherry are separated by a P2A site
233031pAAV-U6-DR36(DjCas13d-SapI)-CMV-intron-MCS-pATo express a DjCas13d-compatible gRNA
233032pAAV-CMV-intron-CasRx-pA/EF1a-mCherry-WPRE-paTo Express HA tagged CasRX the CMV promoter. Also encodes a mCherry gene outside of the viral genome
233034pAAV-CMV-intron-hfCas13d-pA/EF1a-mCherry-WPRE-paTo Express HA tagged hfCas13d the CMV promoter. Also encodes a mCherry gene outside of the viral genome
233037pAAV-EF1a-hfCas13d-paTo express hfCas13d from a EF1a promoter
233038pAAV-U6-DR30(SapI) 0.5 Syn-intron-CasRx-pATo express a RfxCas13d-compatible gRNA and to express HA Tagged CasRx from a 0.5 bp synapsin promoter
233039pAAV-U6-DR30(SapI) 0.5 Syn-intron-hfCas13d-pATo express a RfxCas13d-compatible gRNA and to express HA Tagged hfCas13d from a 0.5 bp synapsin promoter
233041pAAV-EF1a-DIO-FLAG-mouse Beta Adrenergic Receptor (#1) To Express a CRE dependent Flag tagged Mouse Beta Adrenergic Receptor from a EF1a promoter
233042pLenti-CMV-eGFP-hTau E14-WPRETo Express a GFP human Tau E14 fusion protein from a CMV promoter
233043pLenti-CMV-eGFP-hTau P301L-WPRETo Express a GFP human Tau P301L fusion protein from a CMV promoter
233044pLenti-CMV-eGFP-hTau AP- WPRETo Express a GFP human Tau AP fusion protein from a CMV promoter
233053pAAV-CMV-Flag-Rat Arc-Arc- Genomic 3'UTRTo express Flag-tagged Rat Arc from a CMV promoter. The Arc gene contains the Rat Arc native Genomic 3'UTR containing two introns

Antibodies from Article