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Karsten Rippe Lab: HP1 binding creates a local barrier against transcription activation and persists during chromatin decondensation


Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
232630pdCas9-GFP-p65p65 activation domain coupled to catalytically inactive dCas9 for localization; contains GFP for labeling and as a spacer
232631pdCas9-tdTomatocatalytically inactive dCas9 for localization; labeled with tdTomato
232632pdCas9-tdTomato-VPRVPR activation domain coupled to catalytically inactive dCas9 for localization; contains tdTomato for labeling and as a spacer
232633rTetR-GFP-p65p65 activation domain coupled to reverse Tet repressor; labeled with GFP; binds tetO sites upon doxycycline addition
232636HaloTag-LacI #1691lac repressor (LacI) which binds lacO sites; labeled with HaloTag
232637HaloTag-LacI-mHP1alac repressor (LacI) which binds lacO sites; labeled with HaloTag and coupled with effector protein mouse HP1alpha
232638HaloTag-LacI-KRABlac repressor (LacI) which binds lacO sites; labeled with HaloTag and coupled with Krüppel-associated box (KRAB) repressor

Antibodies from Article