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Genomic mediators of acquired resistance to immunotherapy in metastatic melanoma.

Schiantarelli J, Benamar M, Park J, Sax HE, Oliveira G, Bosma-Moody A, Campbell KM, Liu D, Johnson DB, Rodig S, Wu CJ, Hodi FS, Ribas A, Van Allen E, Haq R
Cancer Cell. 2025 Feb 10;43(2):308-316.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2025.01.009. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
231559pMVP-SEC24C pMVP expression vector for human SEC24C (wild type, closed, resistant to sgSEC24C #1 and #2) (Blasticidin selection marker)
231560pMVP-SEC24C-G220C pMVP expression vector for human SEC24C (G220C mutation, closed, resistant to sgSEC24C #1 and #2) (Blasticidin selection marker)
231561pMVP-SEC24C-S107FpMVP expression vector for human SEC24C (S107F mutation, closesd, resistant to sgSEC24C #1 and #2) (Blasticidin selection marker)
231562pLentiCRISPRpuro-sgROSA26pLentiCRISPR expression vector for Cas9 and gRNA targeting human ROSA26 locus (Puromycin selection marker)
231563pLentiCRISPRpuro-sgSEC24C #1pLentiCRISPR expression vector for Cas9 and gRNA targeting human SEC24C (#1) (Puromycin selection marker)
231564pLentiCRISPRpuro-sgSEC24C #2pLentiCRISPR expression vector for Cas9 and gRNA targeting human SEC24C (#2) (Puromycin selection marker)
231565pLentiCRISPRpuro-sgSEC24DpLentiCRISPR expression vector for Cas9 and gRNA targeting human SEC24D (Puromycin selection marker)

Antibodies from Article