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Genetically encoded reporters of actin filament organization in living cells and tissues

Martins CS, Iv F, Suman SK, Panagiotou TC, Sidor C, Ruso-López M, Plancke CN, Omi S, Gomes M, Llewellyn A, Bandi SR, Ramond L, Arbizzani F, Rimoli CV, Schnorrer F, Robin F, Wilde A, LeGoff L, Pedelacq J-D, Cabantous S, Rincon SA, Chandre C, Brasselet S, Mavrakis M
bioRxiv 2024.04.26.591305 (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
231548pCMVtrunc msfGFPΔC10-beta-actinMammalian expression of human beta actin fused to C-terminally truncated monomeric superfolder GFP, for actin filament organization measurements using fluorescence polarization microscopy
231549pCMVtrunc beta-actinh7TAA-msfGFPΔN7ΔC11-SSSSactinMammalian expression of human β-actin fused intramolecularly to N- and C-terminally truncated monomeric sfGFP, for actin filament organization measurements using fluorescence polarization
231550pCMVtrunc Affimer6-msfGFPΔN12Mammalian expression of Affimer6 fused to N-terminally truncated monomeric superfolder GFP, for actin filament organization measurements using fluorescence polarization microscopy
231551pCMVtrunc Affimer6-sfCherry2ΔN12Mammalian expression of Affimer6 fused to N-terminally truncated superfolder Cherry2, for actin filament organization measurements using fluorescence polarization microscopy
231552pCMVtrunc F-tractinN9-39-msfGFPΔN7Mammalian expression of C-terminally truncated F-tractin fused to N-terminally truncated monomeric sfGFP, for actin filament organization measurements using fluorescence polarization microscopy
231553iGFP-beta-actinMammalian expression of human beta actin fused intramolecularly to monomeric superfolder GFP
231555pCMVtrunc LifeactΔC4-msfGFPΔN7Mammalian expression of C-terminally truncated Lifeact fused to N-terminally truncated monomeric superfolder GFP for actin filament organization measurements using fluorescence polarization microscopy
231556pCMVtrunc msfGFPΔC9-LifeactΔN2Mammalian expression of N-terminally truncated Lifeact fused to C-terminally truncated monomeric superfolder GFP for actin filament organization measurements using fluorescence polarization microscopy
231557pCMVtrunc sfCherry2ΔC4-LifeactMammalian expression of Lifeact fused to C-terminally truncated superfolder Cherry2, for actin filament organization measurements using fluorescence polarization microscopy
231558pCMVtrunc msfGFPΔC10-Utr28-222Expresses N- and C-terminally truncated Utrophin calponin homology domain fused to C-terminally truncated msfGFP for actin filament organization measurements using fluorescence polarization microscopy

Antibodies from Article