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Multisite Assembly of Gateway Induced Clones (MAGIC): a flexible cloning toolbox with diverse applications in vertebrate model systems

Gillespie W, Zhang Y, Ruiz OE, Cerda III J, Ortiz-Guzman J, Turner WD, Largoza G, Sherman M, Mosser LE, Fujimoto E, Chien C-B, Kwan KM, Arenkiel BR, Devine WP, Wythe JD
bioRxiv 2024.07.13.603267 (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
229828pB_Tet-Off_Flex_DEST_EFS_mODC_tTA (JDW 936)A Piggybac compatible, cre dependent, Tet-off destination vector with a downstream WPRE. EFS driving destabilized tTA
229829p5E-MCS-c-Fos-b-globin (JDW 1237)A gateway compatible 5' entry clone containing an MCS upstream of the murine c-fos minimal promotor and b-globin intron.
229830p5E-Crestin-pro (JDW 1320)A gateway compatible 5' entry clone containing the crestin gene followed by the mus musculus c Fos minimal promoter and then a rabbit beta globin intron to drive neural crest-specific gene expression
229831pTol2-DEST-hsp70-zCreI-BFP (JDW 1184)A gateway compatible Tol2 destination vector containing the hsp70 promoter driving Cre and TagBFP in endothelial cells followed by 2 cHS4 insulator cores.
229832pME-MCS (JDW 455)A gateway compatible middle entry clone containing an MCS (mutiple cloning site).
229833pXMLC2-DEST (JDW 7)A gateway compatible destination vector containing the Xenopous myosin light chain 2 promoter for embryonic and adult cardiomyocyte expression.
229834pCAGEN-DV-IRES-myr-BFP (JDW 491)A CAGGS driven gateway compatible destination vector that contains an IRES-myristoylated-TagBFP for labeling the cell membrane
229836p5E-dr-myl7-pro (JDW 1148)A gateway compatible 5' entry clone containing the mysoin light chain seven (myl7/cmlc2) promoter for cardiomyocyte specific expression.
229837pB-Tet-On-Luciferase-P2A-H2A-mCherry (JDW 945)A Piggybac compatible, tet-on, NEO selectable, vector for expressing luciferase followed by a P2A cleavage peptide and H2A fused mCherry.
229838pTol2-Ubi-LexA-oMDC-pA-LexOp-nlsGFP-pA (JDW 1381)A Tol2 based expression vector for RU486 inducible expression of GFP in the nucleus with a destablized lex transactivator.
229839pB-TetOn-DEST-hEF1a-mODC-rtTA-IRES-NEO (JDW 1130)A CAGGS driven, piggybac compatible, tet-on expression vector containing a luciferase reporter followed by a P2A cleavage peptide and H2A fused mCherry for nuclear labeling.
229840pB-Tet-On-Luciferase-P2A-H2A-mCherry (JDW 1154)A Piggybac compatible, tet-on, dual reporter encoding luciferase followed by a P2A cleavage peptide and then an H2A fused mCherry for nuclear labeling.
229842pCS2-phiC31o (JDW 453)A CMV driven Phi31 recombinase.
229844pME-StayGoldc4-Giantin (JDW 1355)A gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a V5 tagged n2StayGoldc4 flourescent protein
229845pCAGEN-Vhh-LaminB-mNeonGreen-IRES-myr-BFP (JDW 1353)A CAGGS driven expression vector containing a vhh-Lamin nanobody for nuclear lamina labeling follwed by and IRES and a myristoylated TagBFP for labeling the cell membrane.

Antibodies from Article