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E2A, VA RNA I, and L4-22k adenoviral helper genes are sufficient for AAV production in HEK293 cells

Doshi J., Couto E., Staiti J., Vandenberghe L.H., Zabaleta N.
Molecular Therapy Methods & Clinical Development, Volume 32, Issue 4, 101376 (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
229478JD92CMV promoter driving expression of adenoviral E4orf6 gene
229479JD94CMV promoter driving expression of adenoviral E2A gene
229480JD80Adenoviral VA RNA I gene
229481JD81Adenoviral VA RNA II gene
229482JD73Adenoviral VA RNA I & II genes
229483JD171Adenoviral helper plasmid containing E2A, VA RNA I and L4-22k/33k genes
229484JD226Adenoviral helper plasmid containing E2A, VA RNA I and L4-22k genes
229485JD150Adenoviral helper plasmid containing E2A, VA RNA I, E4orf6 and L4-22k genes
229486JD180Adenoviral helper plasmid containing inducible E2A and L4-22k/33k genes
229487JD141Ef1a promoter driving expression of adenoviral L4-22k/33k genes
229488JD182Ef1a promoter driving expression of adenoviral L4-22k gene
229489JD183Ef1a promoter driving expression of adenoviral L4-33k gene
229490JD134Adenoviral E4 gene
229491JD135Ef1a promoter driving expression of adenoviral 100k gene
229492JD143CMV promoter driving expression of adenoviral E4orf6-6/7 gene
229494JD108Adenoviral DeltaF6 plasmid variant devoid of fiber, U exon and pVIII sequences
229495JD181Ef1a promoter driving expression of adenoviral 23k gene
229496JD179Adenoviral helper plasmid containing inducible E2A and L4-22k/33k genes and constitutive VA RNA I gene
229497JD136Adenoviral helper plasmid containing E2A and L4-22k/33k and VA RNA I genes

Antibodies from Article