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Robert Haensch Lab: Convergent Evolution Links Molybdenum Insertase Domains with Organism-Specific Sequences.


Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
228409pCCG_nit9flExpression of NIT-9 in N. crassa at the his-3 locus
228410pCCG_nit9fl_reverseExpression of NIT-9 with reversed domains in N. crassa at the his-3 locus
228411pCCG_nit9_without_linkerExpression of NIT-9 without linkage region in N. crassa at the his-3 locus
228412pCCG_linker_nit9EExpression of NIT-9E with linkage region at the N terminus in N. crassa at the his-3 locus
228413pCCG_nit9G_linkerExpression of NIT-9G with linkage region at the C terminus in N. crassa at the his-3 locus
228414pCCG_nit9fl_CNX1_linkerExpression of NIT-9 with CNX1 linkage region in N. crassa at the his-3 locus
228415pCCG_nit9fl_CNX1_linker_reverseExpression of NIT-9 domains in reverse orientation with CNX1 linkage region in N. crassa at the his-3 locus
228418pCCG_nit9fl_random_linkerExpression of NIT-9 with moco resulfurase linkage region in N. crassa at the his-3 locus
228419pCCG_nit9E Expression of NIT-9E domain in N. crassa at the his-3 locus
228420pCCG_nit9G Expression of NIT-9G domain in N. crassa at the his-3 locus
228421pCCG_nit9_A184-G203Expression of NIT-9 wit a 20 aa truncation in N. crassa at the his-3 locus
228422pCCG_nit9_G204-G223Expression of NIT-9 wit a 20 aa truncation in N. crassa at the his-3 locus
228423pCCG_nit9_E224-G243Expression of NIT-9 wit a 20 aa truncation in N. crassa at the his-3 locus
228425pCCG_nit9_K264-P282Expression of NIT-9 wit a 20 aa truncation in N. crassa at the his-3 locus
228426pCCG_GephyrinExpression of Gephyrin at the his-3 locus

Antibodies from Article