Genome editing with programmable base editors in human cells
Osgood NRB, Zawalick NM, Sawyer CB, Cowan QT, Gu S, Mawson SJ, Ranzau BL, Li L, Gymrek M, Goren A, Komor AC
Methods in Enzymology, February 5, 2025
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Plasmids from Article
ID | Plasmid | Purpose |
226852 | evoBE4-NG | Expresses evoBE4max-NG base editor in mammalian cells with eGFP marker |
226853 | ancBE4-NG | Expresses ancBE4max-NG base editor in mammalian cells with eGFP marker |
226854 | evoBE4-SpRY | Expresses evoBE4max-SpRY base editor in mammalian cells with eGFP marker |
226855 | ancBE4-SpRY | Expresses ancBE4max-SpRY base editor in mammalian cells with eGFP marker |
226856 | ABE8e-NG | Expresses ABE8e-NG base editor in mammalian cells with eGFP marker |
226857 | ABE8.20-NG | Expresses ABE8.20-NG base editor in mammalian cells with eGFP marker |
226858 | ABE8e-SpRY | Expresses ABE8e-SpRY base editor in mammalian cells with eGFP marker |
226859 | ABE8.20-SpRY | Expresses ABE8.20-SpRY base editor in mammalian cells with eGFP marker |
226860 | pU6-GG-gRNA | Human gRNA expression vector backbone with BsmBI Golden Gate site |
226861 | pCBE-dGFP | Constitutively expresses mCherry as a transfection marker. Expresses non-fluorescent EGFP, deactivated by Y93H mutation, that can be reactivated by active cytosine base editing |
226862 | pCBE-dGFP-gRNA | Human gRNA expression vector targeting the Y93H mutation of non-fluorescent EGFP in plasmid pCBE-dGFP; for use with CBEs |
226863 | pABE-dGFP | Constitutively expresses mCherry as a transfection marker. Expresses non-fluorescent EGFP, deactivated by A111V mutation, that can be reactivated by active adenine base editing |
226864 | pABE-dGFP-gRNA | Human gRNA expression vector targeting the A111V mutation of non-fluorescent EGFP in plasmid pABE-dGFP; for use with ABEs |
226865 | piggyBac-ancBE4-NG | Expresses dox-inducible ancBE4max-NG for mammalian cells. piggyBac vector |
226866 | piggyBac-ABE8.20-NG | Expresses dox-inducible ABE8.20-NG for mammalian cells. piggyBac vector |
226867 | lenti-gRNA | Lentiviral expression of Sp-gRNA with BlpI and BstXI restriction sites for gRNA spacer cloning. Also expresses BFP. |