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Dual-color optical activation and suppression of neurons with high temporal precision

Mermet-Joret N, Moreno A, Zbela A, Ellendersen BE, Krauth N, von Philipsborn A, Piriz J, Lin JY, Nabavi S
eLife 2023 12:RP90327 (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
221614AAV-hSyn-IvfChr-citrineA recombinant AAV2 plasmid encoding vfChrimson-citrine with trafficking enhancement.
221615AAV-hSyn-IvfChr-citrine-KV2.1A recombinant AAV2 plasmid encoding vfChrimson-citrine with trafficking enhancement and soma targeting with KV2.1 motif.
221616AAV-hSyn-ZipV-mScarlet-KV2.1A recombinant AAV2 plasmid encoding the ZipACR I151T mutant and soma targeting with KV2.1 motif.
221617AAV-hSyn-ZipT-mScarlet-KV2.1A recombinant AAV2 plasmid encoding the ZipACR I151V mutant and soma targeting with KV2.1 motif.
221618AAV-hSyn-ZipV-2A-IvfChr (citrine, KV2.1)A recombinant AAV2 plasmid encoding the ZipACR I151V mutant with soma targeting with KV2.1 motif and membrane expression enhanced vfChrimson-Citrine with soma targeting KV2.1 motif.
221619AAV-hSyn-ZipT-2A-IvfChr (citrine, KV2.1)A recombinant AAV2 plasmid encoding the ZipACR I151T mutant with soma targeting with KV2.1 motif and membrane expression enhanced vfChrimson-Citrine with soma targeting KV2.1 motif.
221621AAV-hSyn-ZipT-2A-IvfChr (mCherry, KV2.1)A recombinant AAV2 plasmid encoding the ZipACR I151T mutant with soma targeting with KV2.1 motif and membrane expression enhanced vfChrimson-mCHerry with soma targeting KV2.1 motif.

Antibodies from Article