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A toolkit for testing membrane localisation tags across species

Karapidaki I, Momose T, Zilliox M, Averof M
bioRxiv 2024.11.12.623055 (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
2259270_T7-mScarlet3In vitro synthesis of mRNA for fluorescent protein mScarlet3 (control)
2259281_T7-mScarlet3-HrasIn vitro synthesis of mRNA for fluorescent protein mScarlet3 tagged with the H-Ras membrane localisation signal
2259292_T7-mScarlet3-KRasIn vitro synthesis of mRNA for fluorescent protein mScarlet3 tagged with the K-Ras membrane localisation signal
2259303_T7-mScarlet3-KRas6RIn vitro synthesis of mRNA for fluorescent protein mScarlet3 tagged with the K-Ras6R membrane localisation signal
2259314_T7-mScarlet3-RitCIn vitro synthesis of mRNA for fluorescent protein mScarlet3 tagged with the H-RitC membrane localisation signal
2259325_T7-GAP43-mScarlet3In vitro synthesis of mRNA for fluorescent protein mScarlet3 tagged with the GAP43 membrane localisation signal
2259336_T7-Lyn-mScarlet3In vitro synthesis of mRNA for fluorescent protein mScarlet3 tagged with the Lyn membrane localisation signal
2259347_T7-Src64B-mScarlet3In vitro synthesis of mRNA for fluorescent protein mScarlet3 tagged with the Src64B membrane localisation signal
2259358_T7-PH-mScarlet3In vitro synthesis of mRNA for fluorescent protein mScarlet3 tagged with the PH membrane localisation signal
2259369_T7-mScarlet3-LactC2In vitro synthesis of mRNA for fluorescent protein mScarlet3 tagged with the LactC2 membrane localisation signal
22593710_T7-SP-CD8tm-mScarlet3In vitro synthesis of mRNA for fluorescent protein mScarlet3 tagged with a signal peptide and the CD8 transmembrane domain
22980611_T7-SP-mScarlet3-GPIIn vitro synthesis of mRNA for fluorescent protein mScarlet3 tagged with a signal peptide and a GPI attachment site

Antibodies from Article