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Evolutionarily conserved regulators of tau identify targets for new therapies.

Kim J, de Haro M, Al-Ramahi I, Garaicoechea LL, Jeong HH, Sonn JY, Tadros B, Liu Z, Botas J, Zoghbi HY
Neuron. 2023 Mar 15;111(6):824-838.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2022.12.012. Epub 2023 Jan 6. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
225331Human RNF130-3X FLAGLentiviral expression of human RNF130 with 3x FLAG tag in mammalian cells
225332Human RNF149-3X FLAGLentiviral expression of human RNF149 with 3x FLAG tag in mammalian cells
225333Human RNF149-3X MYCLentiviral expression of human RNF149 with 3x myc tag in mammalian cells
225334Human USP7-3X FLAGLentiviral expression of human USP7 with 3x FLAG tag in mammalian cells
225335Human USP7_H456A-3X FLAGLentiviral expression of human mutant USP7 with 3x FLAG tag in mammalian cells
225336RNF130 shRNA-TREshRNAmir backbone under tet-operator for RNA interference, with YFP
225337RNF149 shRNA-TREshRNAmir backbone under tet-operator for RNA interference, with YFP
225338USP7 shRNA-TREshRNAmir backbone under tet-operator for RNA interference, with YFP
225339Luciferase shRNA-TREshRNAmir backbone under tet-operator for RNA interference, with YFP
225340RNF130 shRNAshRNAmir backbone for RNA interference, with YFP
225343Luciferase shRNAshRNAmir backbone for RNA interference, with YFP

Antibodies from Article