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Genetically encoded fluorescent sensors for visualizing polyamine levels, uptake, and distribution

Tamura R, Chen J, De Jaeger M, Morris JF, Scott DA, Vangheluwe P, Looger LL
bioRxiv 2024.08.21.609037 (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
225235pAAV-GFAP-iPASnFR-LAAV expression of iPASnFR-L from GFAP promoter
225236pAAV-hSyn-iPASnFR-LAAV expression of iPASnFR-L from hSyn promoter
225237pBAD-iPASnFR-HBacterial expression of iPASnFR-H
225238pBAD-iPASnFR-LBacterial expression of iPASnFR-L
225239pcDNA3.1-cox8-iPASnFR-H-mScarlet3-3xFLAGMammalian expression of iPASnFR-H in mitochondria
225240pcDNA3.1-cox8-iPASnFR-L-mScarlet3-3xFLAGMammalian expression of iPASnFR-L in mitochondria
225241pcDNA3.1-Cyto-iPASnFR-H-mScarlet3-3xFLAGMammalian expression of iPASnFR-H in the cytosol
225242pcDNA3.1-Cyto-iPASnFR-L-mScarlet3-3xFLAGMammalian expression of iPASnFR-L in the cytosol
225243pcDNA3.1-iPASnFR-H-mScarlet3-3xFLAG-Rab5Mammalian expression of iPASnFR-H fused to Rab5
225244pcDNA3.1-iPASnFR-L-mScarlet3-3xFLAG-Rab5Mammalian expression of iPASnFR-L fused to Rab5
225245pcDNA3.1-NLS-iPASnFR-H-mScarlet3-3xFLAGMammalian expression of iPASnFR-H in the nucleus
225246pcDNA3.1-NLS-iPASnFR-L-mScarlet3-3xFLAGMammalian expression of iPASnFR-L in the nucleus

Antibodies from Article