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Salmonid Double-stranded RNA-Dependent Protein Kinase Activates Apoptosis and Inhibits Protein Synthesis.

Chaumont L, Peruzzi M, Huetz F, Raffy C, Le Hir J, Minke J, Boudinot P, Collet B
J Immunol. 2024 Jul 26:ji2400076. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.2400076. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
214145pcDNA3.1-Zeo-mEGFPExpresses the monomeric EGFP in eukaryotic cells
214364pcDNA3.1-Zeo-BFP-P2A-otPKR-FLExpression of the Blue Fluorescent Protein - P2A - full length protein kinase R from chinook salmon
214365pcDNA3.1-Zeo-BFP-P2A-otPKR-MLExpression of the Blue Fluorescent Protein - P2A - medium length protein kinase R from chinook salmon
214366pcDNA3.1-Zeo-BFP-P2A-otPKR-SLExpression of the Blue Fluorescent Protein - P2A - short length protein kinase R from chinook salmon
214367pcDNA3.1-Zeo-BFPExpression of the Blue Fluorescent Protein
214368pcDNA3-Neo-LUCExpression of the firefly luciferase Protein

Antibodies from Article