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Paul Herman Lab: Herman lab plasmids 2024


Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
224875pRS416 GAL1pro-YFPLow copy plasmid with GAL1-driven YFP for C-terminal tagging (no start codon)
224876pRS416 CUP1pro-Htt103QdeltaP161-170-YFPLow copy plasmid for inducible yeast expression of the Htt exon 1 construct without the last 10 amino acids of the proline-rich region (161-170) tagged with YFP using copper.
224878pRS416 CUP1pro-Htt103QdeltaP135-170-YFPLow copy plasmid for inducible yeast expression of the Htt exon 1 construct without the last 36 amino acids of the proline-rich region (135-170) tagged with YFP using copper.
224880pRS416 CUP1pro-Htt103QdeltaP141-170-YFPLow copy plasmid for inducible yeast expression of the Htt exon 1 construct without the last 30 amino acids of the proline-rich region (141-170) tagged with YFP using copper.
224882pRS416 CUP1pro-Htt103QdeltaP125-134-YFPLow copy plasmid for inducible yeast expression of the Htt exon 1 construct without the first 10 amino acids of the proline-rich region (125-134) tagged with YFP using copper.
224883pRS416 CUP1pro-Htt103QdeltaP125-160-YFPLow copy plasmid for inducible yeast expression of the Htt exon 1 construct without the first 36 amino acids of the proline-rich region (125-160) tagged with YFP using copper.
224885pRS416 CUP1pro-M-PRR-Htt97QP4-YFPLow copy plasmid for inducible yeast expression of the Htt exon 1 construct with the last 46 amino acids of the proline-rich region at the N-terminus, 4 prolines left at the C-terminus using copper.
224886pRS416 CUP1pro-Htt103QdeltaP141-160-YFPLow copy plasmid for inducible yeast expression of the Htt exon 1 construct without the middle 20 amino acids of the proline-rich region (141-160) tagged with YFP using copper.
224887pRS415 GPDpro-RNQ1-CFPLow copy plasmid for constitutive yeast expression of RNQ1 tagged with CFP using copper. This is construct can be used as an IPOD marker (Kaganovich et al., 2008).

Antibodies from Article