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The barley MLA13-AVRA13 heterodimer reveals principles for immunoreceptor recognition of RNase-like powdery mildew effectors

Lawson AW, Flores-Ibarra A, Cao Y, An C, Neumann U, Gunkel M, Saur IML, Chai J, Behrmann E, Schulze-Lefert P
bioRxiv 2024.07.14.603419 (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
224551pGWB402SNEmpty, Gateway-compatible expression vector for transient transformation of N. benthamiana leaves. Vector backbone encodes an N-terminal HA-Twin-Strep tag. Duplicated 35S promoter and 35S terminator.
224552pGWB402SCEmpty, Gateway-compatible expression vector for transient transformation of N. benthamiana leaves. Vector backbone encodes C-terminal Twin-Strep-HA tags. Duplicated 35S promoter and 35S terminator.

Antibodies from Article