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Multisite Assembly of Gateway Induced Clones (MAGIC): a flexible cloning toolbox with diverse applications in vertebrate model systems

Gillespie W, Zhang Y, Ruiz OE, Cerda III J, Ortiz-Guzman J, Turner WD, Largoza G, Sherman M, Mosser LE, Fujimoto E, Chien C-B, Kwan KM, Arenkiel BR, Devine WP, Wythe JD
bioRxiv 2024.07.13.603267 (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
224507pME TAEL2.0-5xC120-minpro (JDW 1109)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing TAEL2.0 transcription factor and 5xC120 response element (All in one binary TAEL and effector domain clone)
224508pME-TAEL (JDW 1324)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing TAEL2.0 transcription factor for making binary TAEL system vectors (generating a tissue specific driver)
224509pME-myc-BirA (JDW 1210)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a Myc tagged BirA
224510pME-Myc-BioID2-MCS1 (JDW 1095)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a Myc-tagged BIOID2 construct
224511pME-Myc-BioID2-MCS2 (JDW 1209)A Gateway compatible middle clone with a Myc-tagged BIOID2 construct followed by a flexible linker and an MCS
224512pME-3xHA-BirA-T2A-mCherry-caax (JDW 889)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing Biotin Ligase followed by T2A and mCherry membrane reporter (biotinylation and flourescent cell membrane reporter)
224513pME-3x-FLAG-Ubiquitin (JDW 1098)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a 3x FLAG tagged human Ubiquitin for monitoring ubiquitylation status
224514pME-3xNLS-(G2SG2)2-Cre (JDW 1149)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a 3x nuclear localization signal followed by a multiple cloning site and a flexible linker fused to Cre
224515pME nls EGFP-Cre (JDW 1329)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a NLS-EGFP-Cre fusion
224516pME-mScarlet-I-P2A-iCre (JDW 917)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing mScarlet-I P2A-iCre (codon optimized)
224517pME-3xNLS-mTagBFP2-Cre (JDW 918)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a 3xNLS-mTagBFP2-Cre fusion
224518pME-mTurquoise-P2A-iCre (JDW 920)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing mTurquoise P2A iCre (codon optimized Cre)
224520pME iCre-I (JDW 1203)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a loxP flanked, self inactivating Cre that contains an intron to prevent recombination in bacteria
224522pME-lox-3xNLS-mCherry-V5-SV40pA-3xstop-lox (JDW 1232)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing loxP flanked 3xNLS-mCherry-V5-3xSTOP cassette
224523pME-DreERT2 (JDW 1344)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing Dre recombinase fused to mutant ERT2 for tamoxifen-inducible recombinase activity
224525pME EFS-rtTA/rtTA3 (JDW 1230)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a rtTA-3rd generation transactivator
224528p3E-H2A_mCherry_SV40pA (JDW 967)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing an H2A mCherry fusion followed by SV40 late polyA
224529p3E-V5-mScarlet-I_SV40pA (JDW 968)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing an V5 mScarlet fusion followed by SV40 late polyA
224530p3E-V5-mClover3-pA (JDW 1318)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing a V5 tagged mClover3 followed by a polyA
224531p3E-V5-mTagBFP2 (JDW 871)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing a V5 tagged mTagBFP2
224532p3E-IRES-H2A-mCherry-SV40-pA (JDW 1256)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing an IRES H2A mCherry followed by a polyA
224533p3E EFS-rtTA/rtTA3 (JDW 1214)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing the Human EFS promoter driving rtTA-3rd generation transactivator
224534p3E-Actin-Vhh-mNeonGreen-HA (JDW 1225)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing an Actin nanobody fused to mNeonGreen with a c-terminal HA tag
224535p3E-IRES-mTagBFP2-pA (JDW 1361)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing an IRES-FLAG-NLS-mTagBFP2-pA
224536p3E-IRES-3xNLS-mScarlet-I3-pA (JDW 1360)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing IRES-FLAG- NLS-mScarlet-I3
224537p3E-IRES-(n2)StayGold(c4)-pA (JDW 1364)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing IRES-(n2)StayGold(c4)-pA
224538pDONR221-Lifeact- mScarlet-HA (JDW 1247)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing Lifeact-mScarlet-I (far red f-actin reporter)
224543pME H2B mCerulean (JDW 1150)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a histone H2B fusion to mCerulean to label the nucleus
224544p5E 5X C120 c-fos min pro (JDW 1241)A Gateway compatible 5' entry clone containing 5 TAEL transcription factor binding sites and a minimal c-Fos promoter
224545p3E-WPRE-SV40-pA (JDW 922)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing a woodchuck herpes simplex virus regulatory element (WPRE) to stabilize mRNA upstream of an SV40 polyA

Antibodies from Article