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Multisite Assembly of Gateway Induced Clones (MAGIC): a flexible cloning toolbox with diverse applications in vertebrate model systems

Gillespie W, Zhang Y, Ruiz OE, Cerda III J, Ortiz-Guzman J, Turner WD, Largoza G, Sherman M, Mosser LE, Fujimoto E, Chien C-B, Kwan KM, Arenkiel BR, Devine WP, Wythe JD
bioRxiv 2024.07.13.603267 (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
224472p5E-CAGGS (JDW 912)Gateway compatible 5' entry clone containing the CAG promoter for constitutive expression of downstream constructs.
224473p5E-EF1a (JDW 1164)Gateway compatible 5' entry clone containing the human EF1a promoter
224474p5E-EFS (EF1a core) (JDW 1319)Gateway compatible 5' entry clone with human alpha 2 globin pause site (to prevent transcription readthrough) and EF1a core promoter. Lacks downstream intron for a lower-activity, compact promoter.
224475p5E-TetO8x-CMVmin (JDW 1087)Gateway compatible 5' entry clone containing 8 tet operons (TREs) upstream of a minimal CMV promoter
224476p5E TRE-3GV (JDW 1163)Gateway compatible 5' entry clone containing a 3rd generation Tet-On promoter
224477p5E lexOP-c-fos min pro (JDW 1254)Gateway compatible 5' entry clone containing a Lex Operon upstream of a c-fos minimal promoter
224478p5E-mmCdh5pro (JDW 1239)Gateway compatible 5' entry clone containing the Murine Cdh5 promoter
224479p5E-hs_ICAM_full (JDW 1047)Gateway compatible 5' entry clone containing the Human ICAM2 promoter
224480p5E-hs_ICAM_short (JDW 1046)Gateway compatible 5' entry clone containing the Human minimal ICAM2 promoter
224481p5E-hs_Cldn5 (JDW 1120)Gateway compatible 5' entry clone containing the Human Claudin 5 promoter
224482p5E-dr_Unc (JDW 1365)Gateway compatible 5' entry clone containing the Zebrafish unc-503 promoter with a minimal c-fos promoter and b-globin intron
224483p5E_hs_Glast (JDW 1182)Gateway compatible 5' entry clone containing the Human GLAST promoter
224484pME V5-mTagBFP2 (JDW 830)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing V5 tagged mTagBFP2 (Cytosolic blue fluorescent reporter)
224485pME AmCyan (JDW 1151)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing AmCyan cytosolic blue flourescent reporter
224486pME-H2B-V5-n2StayGoldC4 (JDW 1354)Gateway compatible middle entry clone contianing Histone H2B fusion to V5-tagged (n2)StayGold(C4) (Nuclear StayGold fluorescent reporter)
224487pME V5 mScarlet-I (JDW 1323)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing V5 tagged m-Scarlet-I (Cytosolic far red fluorescent reporter)
224488pME-Luciferase-P2A-H2A-mCherry (JDW 926)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a Luciferase P2A H2A-mCherry dual reporter (Luciferase/nuclear red fluorescent reporter)
224489pME-Sun1-2xsfGFP-6xMYC-pA (JDW 681)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing Sun1 reporter fusion to 2 copies of sfGFP and 6 MYC tags (Nuclear envelope reporter and affinity tag)
224490pME_Golgi-BFP_P2A_H2A_iRFP (JDW 1007)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing GalT-mTagBFP-HA-P2A-H2A-iRFP (BFP golgi reporter and infrared RFP nuclear reporter)
224491pME_Golgi-BFP_P2A_H2A_tdiRFP (JDW 1079)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing GalT-mTagBFP-HA-P2A-H2A-tdiRFP (BFP golgi reporter and tandem infrared RFP nuclear reporter)
224492pME-myr-mTagBFP2-Flag (JDW 1183)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a Myristoylated mTagBP2 with a c-terminal Flag tag (cell membrane BFP marker)
224493pME-Lifeact-mCherry-3xHA (JDW 1321)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing Lifeact-mCherry (RFP F-actin reporter)
224494pME-Lifeact-EGFP-3xHA (JDW 1322)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing Lifeact-EGFP (EGFP F-actin reporter)
224495pME Actin-Vhh sfGFP (JDW 1215)Gateway compatible middle entry clone with Actin nanobody fused to sfGFP (GFP actin reporter)
224496pME-Actin-Vhh-sfGFP-P2A-1xHA-iRFP-caax (JDW 1216)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing an Actin nanobody fused to sfGFP followed by P2A and iRFP-caax tag (GFP actin reporter and cell membrane iRFP reporter)
224497pME-Actin-Vhh-sfGFP-P2A-1xHA-tdiRFP-caax (JDW 1311)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing an Actin nanobody fused to sfGFP followed by P2A and tdiRFP-caax tag (GFP actin reporter and cell membrane iRFP reporter)
224498pME Actin Vhh Halo Tag (JDW 1223)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing an Actin nanonbody fused to a flexible linker and Halo Tag (For visualizing actin, actin chromobody)
224499pME Actin Vhh mCherry (JDW 1240)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing an Actin nanobody fused to mCherry (For visualizing actin, actin chromobody)
224500pME Actin Vhh mNeonGreen-HA-pA (JDW 1248)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing Actin nanobody fused to mNeonGreen with an HA tag (Visualizing actin, actin chromobody)
224501pME Lamin B Vhh mNeonGreen-pA (JDW 1312)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing Lamin B nanobody fused to mNeonGreen with HA Tag (For visualizing the nuclear lamina, lamin chromobody)
224502pME-mScarlet3-Giantin (JDW 1356)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a V5-tagged mScarlet fused to Giantin (For visualizing the Golgi)
224503pME-mCerulean3-TUBB1A (JDW 1367)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing mCerulean3 fused to TUBB1A for visualizing tubulin in cells
224504pME-LexA-mODC (no LexOp) (JDW 937)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a destabilized LexA transactivator
224505pME-LexA-mODC-LexOP-35SCaMV (JDW 1348)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a Destablized LexA and LexOperon with minimal CaMV 35S promoter as an all in one casette for RU486 driven gene expression
224506pME-LexA-mODC-LexOP-c-Fos (JDW 1359)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a Destablized LexA and LexOperon with 3' minimal c-Fos promoter for an all in one RU486 driven gene expression construct
224507pME TAEL2.0-5xC120-minpro (JDW 1109)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing TAEL2.0 transcription factor and 5xC120 response element (All in one binary TAEL and effector domain clone)
224508pME-TAEL (JDW 1324)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing TAEL2.0 transcription factor for making binary TAEL system vectors (generating a tissue specific driver)
224509pME-myc-BirA (JDW 1210)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a Myc tagged BirA
224510pME-Myc-BioID2-MCS1 (JDW 1095)Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a Myc-tagged BIOID2 construct
224511pME-Myc-BioID2-MCS2 (JDW 1209)A Gateway compatible middle clone with a Myc-tagged BIOID2 construct followed by a flexible linker and an MCS
224512pME-3xHA-BirA-T2A-mCherry-caax (JDW 889)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing Biotin Ligase followed by T2A and mCherry membrane reporter (biotinylation and flourescent cell membrane reporter)
224513pME-3x-FLAG-Ubiquitin (JDW 1098)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a 3x FLAG tagged human Ubiquitin for monitoring ubiquitylation status
224514pME-3xNLS-(G2SG2)2-Cre (JDW 1149)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a 3x nuclear localization signal followed by a multiple cloning site and a flexible linker fused to Cre
224515pME nls EGFP-Cre (JDW 1329)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a NLS-EGFP-Cre fusion
224516pME-mScarlet-I-P2A-iCre (JDW 917)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing mScarlet-I P2A-iCre (codon optimized)
224517pME-3xNLS-mTagBFP2-Cre (JDW 918)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a 3xNLS-mTagBFP2-Cre fusion
224518pME-mTurquoise-P2A-iCre (JDW 920)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing mTurquoise P2A iCre (codon optimized Cre)
224519pME-EGFP-P2A-iCre (JDW 921)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing EGFP P2A iCre (codon optimized cre)
224520pME iCre-I (JDW 1203)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a loxP flanked, self inactivating Cre that contains an intron to prevent recombination in bacteria
224521pME-lox-3xSTOP-lox (JDW 869)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a loxP flanked SV40 polyA, bGH polyA, and SV40 pA stop cassette
224522pME-lox-3xNLS-mCherry-V5-SV40pA-3xstop-lox (JDW 1232)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing loxP flanked 3xNLS-mCherry-V5-3xSTOP cassette
224523pME-DreERT2 (JDW 1344)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing Dre recombinase fused to mutant ERT2 for tamoxifen-inducible recombinase activity
224524pME-rox-nls-mCherry-V5-2xStop-rox (JDW 1167)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a Rox flanked 3xNLS-mCherry-V5-2xStop cassette
224525pME EFS-rtTA/rtTA3 (JDW 1230)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a rtTA-3rd generation transactivator
224526p3E-EF1a-pA (JDW 1222)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing rat EF-1a polyA
224527p3E-WPRE-bGH-pA (JDW 1221)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing a WPRE upstream of Bovine growth hormone polyA to stabilize mRN
224528p3E-H2A_mCherry_SV40pA (JDW 967)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing an H2A mCherry fusion followed by SV40 late polyA
224529p3E-V5-mScarlet-I_SV40pA (JDW 968)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing an V5 mScarlet fusion followed by SV40 late polyA
224530p3E-V5-mClover3-pA (JDW 1318)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing a V5 tagged mClover3 followed by a polyA
224531p3E-V5-mTagBFP2 (JDW 871)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing a V5 tagged mTagBFP2
224532p3E-IRES-H2A-mCherry-SV40-pA (JDW 1256)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing an IRES H2A mCherry followed by a polyA
224533p3E EFS-rtTA/rtTA3 (JDW 1214)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing the Human EFS promoter driving rtTA-3rd generation transactivator
224534p3E-Actin-Vhh-mNeonGreen-HA (JDW 1225)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing an Actin nanobody fused to mNeonGreen with a c-terminal HA tag
224535p3E-IRES-mTagBFP2-pA (JDW 1361)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing an IRES-FLAG-NLS-mTagBFP2-pA
224536p3E-IRES-3xNLS-mScarlet-I3-pA (JDW 1360)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing IRES-FLAG- NLS-mScarlet-I3
224537p3E-IRES-(n2)StayGold(c4)-pA (JDW 1364)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing IRES-(n2)StayGold(c4)-pA
224538pDONR221-Lifeact- mScarlet-HA (JDW 1247)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing Lifeact-mScarlet-I (far red f-actin reporter)
224539pME nls BFP FLAG WPRE bGH pA (JDW 484)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a 3x-NLS-mTagBFP2-FLAG for labeling the nucleus
224540pME nls EGFP WPRE bGH pA (JDW 488)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a 3x-NLS-EGFP for labeling the nucleus
224543pME H2B mCerulean (JDW 1150)A Gateway compatible middle entry clone containing a histone H2B fusion to mCerulean to label the nucleus
224544p5E 5X C120 c-fos min pro (JDW 1241)A Gateway compatible 5' entry clone containing 5 TAEL transcription factor binding sites and a minimal c-Fos promoter
224545p3E-WPRE-SV40-pA (JDW 922)A Gateway compatible 3' entry clone containing a woodchuck herpes simplex virus regulatory element (WPRE) to stabilize mRNA upstream of an SV40 polyA

Antibodies from Article