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Optimizing protein expression in the One-Pot PURE System: Insights into reaction composition and translation efficiency

Zhang Y, Qiu Y, Deveikis M, Martinez ZA, Chou T, Freemont PS, Murray RS
bioRxiv 2024.06.19.599772 (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
224362PT7lacO-His6-AlaRSExpress AlaRS protein for his-tagged purification
224363PT7lacO-His6-AsnRSExpress AsnRS protein for his-tagged purification
224364PT7lacO-His6-PheRSa-PheRSbExpress PheRS protein for his-tagged purification
224365PT7lacO-His6-ThrRSExpress ThrRS protein for his-tagged purification
224366PT7lacO-His6-IF1Express IF1 protein for his-tagged purification
224367PT7lacO-His6-IF2Express IF2 protein for his-tagged purification
224368PT7lacO-His6-IF3Express IF3 protein for his-tagged purification
224369PT7lacO-EF-G-His8Express EF-G protein for his-tagged purification
224370PT7lacO-EF-Tu-His8Express EF-Tu protein for his-tagged purification
224371PT7lacO-EF-Ts-His6Express EF-Ts protein for his-tagged purification
224372PT7lacO-RF1-His6Express RF1 protein for his-tagged purification
224373PT7lacO-RF3-His6Express RF3 protein for his-tagged purification
224374PT7lacO-RRF-His6Express RRF protein for his-tagged purification
224375PT7lacO-His6-CKMExpress CKM protein for his-tagged purification
224376PT7lacO-His6-NDKExpress NDK protein for his-tagged purification

Antibodies from Article