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All-RNA-mediated targeted gene integration in mammalian cells with rationally engineered R2 retrotransposons.

Chen Y, Luo S, Hu Y, Mao B, Wang X, Lu Z, Shan Q, Zhang J, Wang S, Feng G, Wang C, Liang C, Tang N, Niu R, Wang J, Han J, Yang N, Wang H, Zhou Q, Li W
Cell. 2024 Jul 1:S0092-8674(24)00694-9. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.06.020. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
223246IVT-donor_opt(R2Tg)-GFPIn vitro transcription of the optimized R2Tg RNA donor
223247IVT-R2Tg_optIn vitro transcription of the optimized R2Tg protein
223248mCherry-pCAG-donor(R2Tg)-GFP(intron)Mammalian expression of the R2Tg RNA donor
223249mCherry-pCAG-donor_opt(R2Tg)-GFP(intron)Mammalian expression of the optimized R2Tg RNA donor
223250pCAG-R2Tg-3xFlagMammalian expression of C-terminally Flag-tagged R2Tg protein
223251pCAG-R2Tg_opt-3xFlagMammalian expression of C-terminally Flag-tagged optimized R2Tg protein
223252pEF1a-donor_opt(R2Tg)-GFP(intron)Mammalian expression of the optimized R2Tg RNA donor

Antibodies from Article