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All-in-one AAV-delivered epigenome-editing platform: proof-of-concept and therapeutic implications for neurodegenerative disorders.

Kantor B, Odonovan B, Rittiner J, Hodgson D, Lindner N, Guerrero S, Dong W, Zhang A, Chiba-Falek O
bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 May 19:2023.04.14.536951. doi: 10.1101/2023.04.14.536951. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
223138pBK1289-AAV-dCjCas9AAV backbone for dCjCas9 (endonuclease dead Cas9 from Campylobacter jejuni) with Cj-gRNA scaffold
223139pBK1290-AAV-dSaCas9AAV backbone for dSaCas9 (endonuclease dead Cas9 from Staphylococcus aureus) and Sa-gRNA Scaffold
223140pBK1295-AAV-EFSNC-dCjCas9-HP1a(72-177)Expression of truncated HP1a with dCjCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223141pBK1296-AAV-EFSNC-dCjCas9-HP1aNH(115-177)Expression of truncated HP1a with dCjCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223142pBK1297-AAV-EFSNC-dCjCas9-HP1b(79-173)Expression of truncated HP1b with dCjCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223143pBK1298-AAV-EFSNC-dCjCas9-HP1bNH(111-173)Expression of truncated HP1b with dCjCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223144pBK1299-AAV-EFSNC-dCjCas9-MBD1(529-592)Expression of truncated MBD1 with dCjCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223145pBK1300-AAV-EFSNC-dCjCas9-MBD2(176-231)Expression of truncated MBD2 with dCjCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223146pBK1301-AAV-EFSNC-dCjCas9-NIPP1(143-224)Expression of truncated NIPP1 with dCjCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223147pBK1302-AAV-EFSNC-dCjCas9-KRABExpression of KRAB with dCjCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223148pBK1303-AAV-EFSNC-dCjCas9-MECP2(204-310)Expression of truncated MECP2 with dCjCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223149pBK1304-AAV-EFSNC-dCjCas9-KRAB-MECP2Expression of KRAB and truncated MECP2 with dCjCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223150pBK1305-AAV-EFSNC-dSaCas9-HP1a(72-177)Expression of truncated HP1a with dSaCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223151pBK1306-AAV-EFSNC-dSaCas9-HP1aNH(115-177)Expression of truncated HP1a with dSaCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223152pBK1307-AAV-EFSNC-dSaCas9-HP1b(79-173)Expression of truncated HP1b with dSaCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223153pBK1308-AAV-EFSNC-dSaCas9-HP1bNH(111-173)Expression of truncated HP1b with dSaCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223154pBK1309-AAV-EFSNC-dSaCas9-MBD1(529-592)Expression of truncated MBD1 with dSaCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223155pBK1310-AAV-EFSNC-dSaCas9-MBD2(176-231)Expression of truncated MBD2 with dSaCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223156pBK1311-AAV-EFSNC-dSaCas9-NIPP1(143-224)Expression of truncated NIPP1 with dSaCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223157pBK1312-AAV-EFSNC-dSaCas9-KRABExpression of KRAB with dSaCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223158pBK1313-AAV-EFSNC-dSaCas9-MECP2(204-310)Expression of truncated MECP2 with dSaCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223159pBK1314-AAV-EFSNC-dSaCas9-KRAB-MECP2Expression of KRAB and truncated MECP2 with dSaCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223160pBK1340-LV-DUAL-dGFP-NanoLuc-PuroExpression of destabilized GFP (dGFP) and NanoLuc for shortened in vivo half-life
223161pBK1861-AAV-EFSNC-dSaCas9-KRAB-MECP2(APOE-gRNA1)Expression of KRAB and truncated MECP2 with dSaCas9 and gRNA1 targeting human/mouse APOE
223162pBK1876-AAV-EFSNC-dSaCas9-KRAB-MECP2(APOE-gRNA2)Expression of KRAB and truncated MECP2 with dSaCas9 and gRNA2 targeting human/mouse APOE
223163pBK2043-AAV-2xSp1-2xNFkB-EFSNC-dSaCas92nd gen. AAV backbone for dSaCas9 (endonuclease dead Cas9 from Staphylococcus aureus) and Sa-gRNA Scaffold
223164pBK2044-AAV-2xSp1-2xNFkB-EFSNC-dSaCas9-KRAB-MECP22nd gen. vector for expression of KRAB and truncated MECP2 with dSaCas9 and empty gRNA scaffold
223165pBK2045-AAV-2xSp1-2xNFkB-EFSNC-dSaCas9-KRAB-MECP2(CMV-gRNA1)2nd gen. vector for expression of KRAB and truncated MECP2 with dSaCas9 and gRNA1 targeting CMV
223166pBK2046-AAV-2xSp1-2xNFkB-EFSNC-dSaCas9-KRAB-MECP2(APOE-gRNA1)2nd gen. vector for expression of KRAB and truncated MECP2 with dSaCas9 and gRNA1 targeting human/mouse APOE
223167pBK2047-AAV-2xSp1-2xNFkB-EFSNC-dSaCas9-KRAB-MECP2(APOE-gRNA2)2nd gen. vector for expression of KRAB and truncated MECP2 with dSaCas9 and gRNA2 targeting human/mouse APOE

Antibodies from Article