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Open-ended molecular recording of sequential cellular events into DNA

Loveless BT, Carlson CK, Dentzel Helmy CA, Hu VJ, Ross SK, Demelo MC, Murtaza A, Liang G, Ficht M, Singhai A, Pajoh-Casco MJ, Liu CC
bioRxiv 2021.11.05.467507 (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
226661pTBL2142 MTK3-sfGFPMTK3 part containing the coding sequence of sfGFP
226662pTBL3445 MTK3-mTagBFP2MTK3 part containing the coding sequence of mTagBFP2
226663pTBL2670 MTK3-PEmaxMTK3 part containing the coding sequence of PEmax
226664pTBL3478 PB-PEmax-mTagBFP2PiggyBac cargo vector encoding PEmax and mTagBFP2
226665pTBL3346 PB-nicking guide-blastPiggyBac cargo vector encoding protective nicking sgRNA marked with blasticidin
226666pTBL3241 PB-AtoBpegRNA-mCherryPiggyBac cargo vector encoding A to B pegRNA marked with mCherry
226667pTBL3401 BtoApegRNA-sfGFPPiggyBac cargo vector encoding B to A pegRNA marked with sfGFP
226668pTBL3331 MTK234-TetO-AtoBpegRNAMTK234 part containing tet-inducible variant of the hU6 promoter driving an A to B pegRNA
226669pTBL3428 MTK234-LacO-BtoApegRNAMTK234 part containing lac-inducible variant of the hU6 promoter driving a B to A pegRNA
226670pTBL2620 MTK3-TetRMTK3 part containing the coding sequence of TetR
226671pTBL2621 MTK3-LacIMTK3 part containing the coding sequence of LacI
226672pTBL3481 MTK3-mCherryMTK3 part containing the coding sequence of mCherry.
226673pTBL2368 MTK PB puro backboneEmpty MTK PB cargo backbone marked with puromycin resistance.
226674pTBL3342 PB-PEmax-puroPiggyBac cargo vector encoding PEmax and puromycin resistance.
226675pTBL2367 MTK PB empty backbone with no markerEmpty MTK PB cargo backbone with no marker.
226676pTBL3328 PB-sfGFP-WPRE-targetPiggyBac cargo vector encoding sfGFP followed by WPRE and a transcribed peCHYRON target site.

Antibodies from Article