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Pantelis Tsoulfas Lab: Actin-Endosomes


Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
222393pLV-EGFP-Human-UTROPHIN_1-261Express in mammalian cells the EGFP fused to residues 1-261 of Human Utrophin to detect filamentous actin in live, fix cels or tissues.
222394pAAV2-CAGIG-LAMP1-mGLTo express in mammalian cells, the lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein 1 (LAMP1) fused with the FP protein mGreenLantern. This plasmid used to label lysosomes in transfected and infected cells.
224119pAAV2-CAGIG-WGA-mCherryTo express the fusion protein composed of the Wheat germ agluttinin to the fluorescent protein mCherry. Labels the Golgi apparatus, ER and the secretory pathway. Secreted form, labels Lysosomes.
225052pLV-mRFP1-Human UTROPHIN_1-261Express in mammalian cells the mRFP1 fused to residues 1-261 of Human Utrophin to detect filamentous actin in live, fix cels or tissues.

Antibodies from Article