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Building Synthetic Biosensors Using Red Blood Cell Proteins.

Dolberg TB, Gunnels TF, Ling T, Sarnese KA, Crispino JD, Leonard JN
ACS Synth Biol. 2024 Apr 19;13(4):1273-1289. doi: 10.1021/acssynbio.3c00754. Epub 2024 Mar 27. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
222875L2085-WT-GPA-NLuc-Biosensor-Retrovirus-TD135 Retroviral vector encoding biosensor chains to detect rapamycin (FRB/FKBP domains) and respond with split NanoLuciferase reconstitution (11S/114 fragment). WT Glycophorin A (GPA) scaffold.
222876L2088-Mut-GPA-NLuc-Biosensor-Retrovirus-TD138Retroviral vector encoding biosensor chains to detect rapamycin (FRB/FKBP domains) and respond with split NanoLuciferase reconstitution (11S/114 fragment). Mixed WT/V84R Glycophorin A (GPA) scaffold.
222877L2092-GPA-FullBRET-Retrovirus-TD142Retroviral vector encoding positive control receptor chain for BRET signal. FRB ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) scaffold, 20 GS linker, full Nanoluciferase, RH linker, CyOFP1.
222879L2108-FRB-GPA-20-114Biosensor chain detecting rapamycin and responding with split Nanoluciferase reconstitution. FRB ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) scaffold, 20 GS linker, split Nanoluciferase fragment 114.
222880L2109-FRB-GPA-20-11SBiosensor chain detecting rapamycin and responding with split Nanoluciferase reconstitution. FRB ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) scaffold, 20 GS linker, split Nanoluciferase fragment 11S.
222881L2110-FKBP-GPA-20-114Biosensor chain detecting rapamycin and responding with split Nanoluciferase reconstitution. FKBP ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) scaffold, 20 GS linker, split Nanoluciferase fragment 114.
222885L2125-FRB-GPA-NLuc-CyOFP1Positive control receptor chain for BRET signal. FRB ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) scaffold, 20 GS linker, full Nanoluciferase, 10 GS linker, CyOFP1.
222886L2127-FRB-GPA-114-20-CyOFP1Biosensor chain detecting rapamycin and responding with BRET. FRB ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) scaffold, 20 GS linker, split Nanoluciferase fragment 114, 20 GS linker, CyOFP1 protein.
222887L2128-FRB-GPA-114-10-CyOFP1Biosensor chain detecting rapamycin and responding with BRET. FRB ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) scaffold, 20 GS linker, split Nanoluciferase fragment 114, 10 GS linker, CyOFP1 protein.
222888L2129-FRB-GPA-114-5-CyOFP1Biosensor chain detecting rapamycin and responding with BRET. FRB ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) scaffold, 20 GS linker, split Nanoluciferase fragment 114, 5 GS linker, CyOFP1 protein.
222889L2130-FKBP-GPA-114-20-CyOFP1Biosensor chain detecting rapamycin and responding with BRET. FKBP ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) scaffold, 20 GS linker, split Nanoluciferase fragment 114, 20 GS linker, CyOFP1 protein.
222890L2131-FKBP-GPA-114-10-CyOFP1Biosensor chain detecting rapamycin and responding with BRET. FKBP ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) scaffold, 20 GS linker, split Nanoluciferase fragment 114, 10 GS linker, CyOFP1 protein.
222891L2132-FKBP-GPA-114-5-CyOFP1Biosensor chain detecting rapamycin and responding with BRET. FKBP ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) scaffold, 20 GS linker, split Nanoluciferase fragment 114, 5 GS linker, CyOFP1 protein.
222893L2179-FRB-GPA-6-GFPSBiosensor chain detecting rapamycin and responding with split GFP reconstitution. FRB ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) scaffold, 6 GS linker, split GFP fragment small.
222894L2373-FRB-GPA-20-114Biosensor chain detecting rapamycin and responding with split Nanoluciferase reconstitution. FRB ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) scaffold, 20 GS linker, split Nanoluciferase fragment 114.
222895L2374-FRB-GPA-20-11SBiosensor chain detecting rapamycin and responding with split Nanoluciferase reconstitution. FRB ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) scaffold, 20 GS linker, split Nanoluciferase fragment 11S.
222896L2376-FKBP-GPA-20-114Biosensor chain detecting rapamycin and responding with split Nanoluciferase reconstitution. FKBP ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) scaffold, 20 GS linker, split Nanoluciferase fragment 114.
222897L2375-FKBP-GPA-20-11SBiosensor chain detecting rapamycin and responding with split Nanoluciferase reconstitution. FKBP ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) scaffold, 20 GS linker, split Nanoluciferase fragment 11S.
222898L2377-FRB-GPA(V84R)-20-114Biosensor chain detecting rapamycin and responding with split Nanoluciferase reconstitution. FRB ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) (V84R) scaffold, 20 GS linker, split Nanoluciferase fragment 114.
222899L2378-FRB-GPA(V84R)-20-11SBiosensor chain detecting rapamycin and responding with split Nanoluciferase reconstitution. FRB ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) (V84R) scaffold, 20 GS linker, split Nanoluciferase fragment 11S.
222900L2380-FKBP-GPA(V84R)-20-114Biosensor chain detecting rapamycin and responding with split Nanoluciferase reconstitution. FKBP ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) (V84R) scaffold, 20 GS linker, split Nanoluciferase fragment 114
222901L2379-FKBP-GPA(V84R)-20-11SBiosensor chain detecting rapamycin and responding with split Nanoluciferase reconstitution. FKBP ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) (V84R) scaffold, 20 GS linker, split Nanoluciferase fragment 11S
222902L2383-FRB-GPA-NLucPositive control receptor chain for Nanoluciferase signal. FRB ectodomain, human Glycophorin A (GPA) scaffold, 20 GS linker, full Nanoluciferase.

Antibodies from Article