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Artur Krężel Lab: Krezel lab bacterial expression plasmids


Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
221847Butelase AYExpresses Butelase AY with Val237Ala and Thr238Tyr mutations
221848pET28-ButelaseExpresses asparaginyl endopeptidase butelase
221849eSrtA-Δ24-ASNExpresses delta 24 alpha synuclein as 6XHis-SUMO-eSrtA-LPNTG-Δ24-ASN fusion protein
221850Ub-LPNTG-pETExpresses Ub with sortase motif and His tag
221851SUMO-LPQTG-pETExpresses SUMO-2 with sortase motif and His tag
221852TCT-Universal plasmidA universal plasmid for expressing any protein with TetraCysteine motif

Antibodies from Article