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John Lin Lab: PiGM-Iq system plasmids


Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
221602AAV-hSyn-PiGM-Iq(eGFP)A recombinant AAV2 plasmid encoding the PiGM-Iq system with CRY2PHR, CIBN and EGFP as expression marker. hSynapsin promoter for panneuronal expression.
221603AAV-hSyn-PiGM-Iq(D387A eGFP)A recombinant AAV2 plasmid encoding the light insensitive PiGM-Iq system with CRY2PHR(D387A), CIBN and EGFP as expression marker. hSynapsin promoter for panneuronal expression.
221606AAV-GFAPp-PiGM-Iq(eGFP)A recombinant AAV2 plasmid encoding the PiGM-Iq system with CRY2PHR, CIBN and EGFP as expression marker. GFAP promoter for astrocyte-selective expression.
221609AAV-GFAPp-PiGM-Iq(D387A mCherry)A recombinant AAV2 plasmid encoding the light insensitive PiGM-Iq system with CRY2PHR(D387A), CIBN and mCherry as expression marker. GFAP promoter for astrocyte-selective expression.

Antibodies from Article