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Ali Madani Lab: Design of highly functional genome editors by modeling the universe of CRISPR-Cas sequences


Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
221565OpenCRISPR-1Express OpenCRISPR-1 nuclease in human cells using a CMV promoter
221566OpenCRISPR-1 sgRNA-16nt stemExpress OpenCRISPR-1 sgRNA (16nt stem loop) in human cells using a U6 promoter. Plasmid also encodes a CMV-driven GFP reporter.
221567OpenCRISPR-1 sgRNA-12nt stemExpress OpenCRISPR-1 sgRNA (12nt stem loop) in human cells using a U6 promoter. Plasmid also encodes a CMV-driven GFP reporter.

Antibodies from Article