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SEMPER: Stoichiometric expression of mRNA polycistrons by eukaryotic ribosomes for compact, ratio-tunable multi-gene expression.

Duan M, Dev I, Lu A, Ayrapetyan G, You MY, Shapiro MG
Cell Syst. 2024 Jul 17;15(7):597-609.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.cels.2024.06.001. Epub 2024 Jul 5. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
221075pCMV-SEMPER_ACC-msfGFP[r5M]_ACC-mEBFP2_IRES-mCherrySEMPER plasmid for expression of msfGFP[r5M] and mEBFP2 in ratios dictated by the trinucleotide TIS. Relative ORF expression is characterized in publication
221076pCMV-SEMPER_GGG-msfGFP[r5M]_ACC-mEBFP2_IRES-mCherrySEMPER plasmid for expression of msfGFP[r5M] and mEBFP2 in ratios dictated by the trinucleotide TIS. Relative ORF expression is characterized in publication
221077pCMV-SEMPER_CCC-msfGFP[r5M]_ACC-mEBFP2_IRES-mCherrySEMPER plasmid for expression of msfGFP[r5M] and mEBFP2 in ratios dictated by the trinucleotide TIS. Relative ORF expression is characterized in publication
221079pCMV-SEMPER_TTT-msfGFP[r5M]_ACC-mEBFP2_IRES-mCherrySEMPER plasmid for expression of msfGFP[r5M] and mEBFP2 in ratios dictated by the trinucleotide TIS. Relative ORF expression is characterized in publication
221080pCMV-SEMPER-mARG_ACC-gvpA_ACC-gvpNJKFGW-EmGFP_IRES-mCherrySEMPER plasmid for expression of gas vesicles using mammalian acoustic reporter genes (mARGs)
221081pCMV-SEMPER_ACC-msfBFP[r5M]_ACC-msfGFP[r5M]_ACC-emiRFP670_IRES-mCherrySEMPER plasmid for expression of msfGFP[r5M] and msfBFO[r5M] and emiRFP670 in ratios dictated by the trinucleotide TIS. Relative ORF expression is characterized in publication
221082pT7-IVT_ACC-msfGFP[r5M]_ACC-mEBFP2Plasmid for producing DNA Templates for in vitro transcription. Produces msfGFP[r5M] and mEBFP2 from IVT mRNA.

Antibodies from Article