Destabilized near-infrared fluorescent nanobodies enable background-free targeting of GFP-based biosensors for imaging and manipulation.
Barykina NV, Carey EM, Oliinyk OS, Nimmerjahn A, Verkhusha VV
Nat Commun. 2024 Sep 6;15(1):7788. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-51857-x.
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Plasmids from Article
ID | Plasmid | Purpose |
220739 | pNIR-FbLAG16 | NIR-FbLAG16 expression in mammalian cells. |
220740 | pNIR-FbLAG30 | NIR-FbLAG30 expression in mammalian cells. |
220742 | pNIR-Fb(718) | NIR-Fb(718) expression in mammalian cells. |
220743 | pGAL4-sfGFP(1-157) | GAL4-sfGFP(1-157) construct expression in mammlian cells. |
220744 | pGAL4-sfGFP(158-238) | GAL4-sfGFP(158-238) construct expression in mammlian cells. |
220745 | pNLS-VP16-NIR-Fb(718) | NLS-VP16-NIR-Fb(718) consrtuct expression in mammalian cells. |
220746 | pGAL4-NIR-FbLAG30 | GAL4-NIR-FbLAG30 construct expression in mammlian cells. |
220747 | pGP-mTagBFP2 | mTagBFP2 expression in mammalian cells. Reporter plasmid. |
220748 | pET-NIR-FbLAG30 | NIR-FbLAG30 expression in bacteria. |
220749 | pAAV-CAG-NIR-FbLAG16 | NIR-FbLAG16 expression in mammalian cells. pAAV vector. |
220750 | pAAV-CAG-NIR-FbLAG30 | NIR-FbLAG30 expression in mammalian cells. pAAV vector. |