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Multiple cis-regulatory elements control prox1a expression in distinct lymphatic vascular beds.

Panara V, Yu H, Peng D, Staxang K, Hodik M, Filipek-Gorniok B, Kazenwadel J, Skoczylas R, Mason E, Allalou A, Harvey NL, Haitina T, Hogan BM, Koltowska K
Development. 2024 May 1;151(9):dev202525. doi: 10.1242/dev.202525. Epub 2024 May 9. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
218205Zed_vector_tol2_-2.1prox1a_1:EGFP_XCA:DsRed2Zebrafish -2.1prox1a enhancer reporter in the lymphatic valve from 3 dpf. XCA:DsRed2 as a control in the skeletal and cardiac muscle. Shows the high background typical of the ZED vector
218206Zed_vector_tol2_+15.2prox1a:EGFP_XCA:DsRed2Zebrafish +15.2prox1a enhancer reporter in the FCLV from 3 dpf. XCA:DsRed2 as a control in the skeletal and cardiac muscle. Shows the high background typical of the ZED vector
218207Zed_vector_tol2_-2.1prox1a_1:EGFP_XCA:DsRed2Zebrafish -2.1prox1a_1 (mouse conserved) enhancer reporter in the lymphatic valve from 3 dpf. XCA:DsRed2 as a control in the skeletal and cardiac muscle. Shows the high background typical of the ZED vector
218208Zed_vector_tol2_-2.1prox1a_2:EGFP_XCA:DsRed2Zebrafish -2.1prox1a_2 (not mouse conserved) enhancer reporter in the facial lymphatics at 5 dpf. XCA:DsRed2 as a control in the skeletal and cardiac muscle. Shows the high background typical of the ZED vector
218213Tol2_-87prox1a:basEGFP_Acry:GFPZebrafish -87prox1a enhancer reporter in the lymphatics at 5 dpf. Acry_GFP as a control in the lens

Antibodies from Article