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Minna Hankaniemi Lab: Plasmid-based production of noro, rota, and enterovirus-like particles in insect cells


Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
218092pOET5 GII.4 Sydney noro-VLPForms Sydney GII.4 Sydney norovirus-like particle in insect cells by expression of VP1 from strain GII.4/Sydney/NSW0514/2012/AU (GenBank ID: AFV08795).
218146pOET5 CVB3-VLPForms coxsackievirus 3-like particle in insect cells by expression of VP1–VP4 polyprotein (GeneID M33854.1) and 3CD protease (GeneID M33854.1).
218147pOET5 rota-VLPForms rotavirus-like particles in insect cells by expression of VP6 (GenBank ID: ACL93331.1).

Antibodies from Article