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ERK5 suppression overcomes FAK inhibitor resistance in mutant KRAS-driven non-small cell lung cancer.

Pozzato C, Outeiro-Pinho G, Galie M, Ramadori G, Konstantinidou G
EMBO Mol Med. 2024 Sep 13. doi: 10.1038/s44321-024-00138-7. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
216540pWZL-hygro-FAKWTThis retroviral plasmid expresses the human wild type PTK2
216541pWZL-hygro-FAKS732AThis retroviral plasmid expresses a mutated cDNA (dominant negative: S732A) of human PTK2
216542pWZL-hygro-FAKS910AThis retroviral plasmid expresses a mutated cDNA (dominant negative: S910A) of human PTK2
216543pWZL-hygro-FAKR177/178AThis retroviral plasmid expresses a mutated cDNA (dominant negative: R177/178A) of human PTK2
216544pWZL-hygro-FAKP712/713AThis retroviral plasmid expresses a mutated cDNA (dominant negative: P712/713A) of human PTK2
216545pWZL-hygro-FAKS722AThis retroviral plasmid expresses a mutated cDNA (dominant negative: S722A) of human PTK2
216546pWZL-hygro-FAKY861FThis retroviral plasmid expresses a mutated cDNA (dominant negative: Y861F) of human PTK2
216547pWZL-hygro-FAKY925FThis retroviral plasmid expresses a mutated cDNA (dominant negative: Y925F ) of human PTK2
216677pWZL-hygro-FAKY397FThis retroviral plasmid expresses a mutated cDNA (dominant negative: Y397F) of human PTK2
221642pWZL-hygro-FAKS732A/S910AThis retroviral plasmid expresses a double-mutated cDNA (dominant negative: S732A/S910A) of human PTK2

Antibodies from Article