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Standardized Parts for Activation of Small GTPase Signaling in Living Cells.

He Y, Faulkner BM, Roberti MA, Bassford DK, Stains C
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2024 Jul 26:e202403499. doi: 10.1002/anie.202403499. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
214278pIRES-mCerulean-FRB-Cdc42/N12-Cdc42/13C(Q61L)-FKBP-mVenus-CAAXExpress split-Cdc42 fragments that are fused with CIDs and FPs
214279pIRES-mCerulean-FRB-Cdc42/N12-Cdc42/13C(T17N)-FKBP-mVenus-CAAXExpress split-Cdc42 fragments that are fused with CIDs and FPs
214280pIRES-mCerulean-FRB-Rac1/N12-Rac1/13C(Q61L)-FKBP-mVenus-CAAXExpress split-Rac1 fragments that are fused with CIDs and FPs
214281pIRES-mCerulean-FRB-Rac1/N12-Rac1/13C(T17N)-FKBP-mVenus-CAAXExpress split-Rac1 fragments that are fused with CIDs and FPs
214282pIRES-mCerulean-FRB-RhoA/N12-RhoA/13C(Q63L)-FKBP-mVenus-CAAXExpress split-RhoA fragments that are fused with CIDs and FPs
214283pIRES-mCerulean-FRB-RhoA/N12-RhoA/13C(T19N)-FKBP-mVenus-CAAXExpress split-RhoA fragments that are fused with CIDs and FPs
214284pIRES-mCerulean-FRB-KRas/N12-KRas/13C(Q61L)-FKBP-mVenus-CAAXExpress split-KRas fragments that are fused with CIDs and FPs
214285pIRES-mCerulean-FRB-KRas/N12-KRas/13C(S17N)-FKBP-mVenus-CAAXExpress split-KRas fragments that are fused with CIDs and FPs
214286pIRES-mCerulean-GID1-KRas/N12-KRas/13C(Q61L)-GAI1-92-mVenus-CAAXExpress split-KRas fragments that are fused with CIDs and FPs
214287pIRES-mCerulean-GID1-KRas/N12-KRas/13C(S17N)-GAI1-92-mVenus-CAAXExpress split-KRas fragments that are fused with CIDs and FPs
214288pMAL-MBP-Cdc42-Q61LExpress constitutively active Cdc42 fused with MBP
214289pMAL-MBP-Cdc42-T17NExpress dominant negative Cdc42 fused with MBP
214290pMAL-MBP-FRB-Cdc42/N12Express split-Cdc42 fragment fused with FRB and MBP
214291pET21b-Cdc42/13C-FKBP-MBPExpress split-Cdc42 fragment fused with FKBP and MBP
214292pMAL-MBP-Rac1-Q61LExpress constitutively active Rac1 fused with MBP
214293pMAL-MBP-Rac1-T17NExpress dominant negative Rac1 fused with MBP
214294pMAL-MBP-FRB-Rac1/N12Express split-Rac1 fragment fused with FRB and MBP
214295pET21b-Rac1/13C-FKBP-MBPExpress split-Rac1 fragment fused with FKBP and MBP
214296pMAL-MBP-RhoA-Q63LExpress constitutively active RhoA fused with MBP
214297pMAL-MBP-RhoA-T19NExpress dominant negative RhoA fused with MBP
214298pMAL-MBP-FRB-RhoA/N12Express split-RhoA fragment fused with FRB and MBP
214299pET21b-RhoA/13C-FKBP-MBPExpress split-RhoA fragment fused with FKBP and MBP
214300pMAL-MBP-KRas-Q61LExpress constitutively active KRas fused with MBP
214301pMAL-MBP-KRas-S17NExpress dominant negative KRas fused with MBP
214302pMAL-MBP-FRB-KRas/N12Express split-KRas fragment fused with FRB and MBP
214303pET21b-KRas/13C-FKBP-MBPExpress split-KRas fragment fused with FKBP and MBP
214304pET21b-C-MBPProvide a bacterial expression vector that encodes C-terminus MBP tag

Antibodies from Article