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Wayne Curtis Lab: Curtis lab plasmids


Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
212158pLSU1/t35s[TMV]:MCS:NosTThis binary vector has an empty backbone where you can insert a gene into a cassette with a strong promoter (truncated 35sCAMV) and UTR (Tomato Mosaic Virus)
212159pLSU1/t35s[AtPsaK]:MCS+:NosTThis binary vector has an empty backbone where you can insert a gene into a cassette with a strong promoter (truncated 35sCAMV) and UTR (truncated Arabidopsis thaliana PsaK)
212160pLSU1/t35s[TMV]:MCS+:NosTThis binary vector has an empty backbone with extended multiple cloning site (MSC) where you can inserta a gene into a cassette with a strong promoter (truncated 35sCAMV) and UTR (Tomato Mosaic Virus)
212161pLSU1/o35S[]:mNeonGreen:NosTThis binary vector expresses mNeonGreen with the original 35sCAMV promoter
212162pLSU1/t35S[TMV]:mNeonGreen:NosTThis binary vector expresses mNeonGreen with a truncated 35sCAMV promoter with strong UTR (Tomato Mosaic Virus)
212163pLSU1/o35S[]:MCS:NosTThis binary vector has an empty backbone where you can insert a gene into a cassette with a strong promoter (original 35sCAMV)
212164pLSU1/t35S[]:MCS:NosTThis binary vector has an empty backbone where you can insert a gene into a cassette with a strong promoter (truncated35sCAMV)
212165pLSU1/o35s[]:mNeonGreen-I{PIV-198}:NosTThis binary vector expresses mNeonGreen containing the PIV intron (198bp into the gene) with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter
212166pLSU1/t35s[TMV]:mNeonGreen-I{PIV-198}:NosTThis binary vector expresses mNeonGreen containing the PIV intron (198bp into the gene) with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter and the tomato mosaic virus UTR
212167pLSU1/t35s[TMV]:mNeonGreen-I{PIV-216}:NosTThis binary vector expresses mNeonGreen containing the PIV intron (216bp into the gene) with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter and the tomato mosaic virus UTR
212168pLSU1/t35s[TMV]:mNeonGreen-I{PIV-390}:NosTThis binary vector expresses mNeonGreen containing the PIV intron (390bp into the gene) with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter and the tomato mosaic virus UTR
212169pLSU1/t35s[TMV]:mNeonGreen-I{AGO-198}:NosTThis binary vector expresses mNeonGreen containing the Argonaut (AGO) intron (198bp into the gene) with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter and the tomato mosaic virus UTR
212170pLSU1/t35s[TMV]:mNeonGreen-I{PDK-198}:NosTThis binary vector expresses mNeonGreen containing the castor bean catalase (PDK) intron (198bp into the gene) with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter and the tomato mosaic virus UTR
212171pLSU1/t35s[]:mNeonGreen-CI{PIV-198}:NosTThis binary vector expresses mNeonGreen containing the PIV intron (198bp into the gene) with extra 3' splice site removed (corrected intron) with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter
212172pLSU1/t35s[TMV]:mNeonGreen-CI{PIV-198}:NosTThis binary vector expresses mNeonGreen containing the PIV intron (198bp into the gene) with extra 3' splice site removed (corrected intron) with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter and TMV UTR
212173pLSU1/t35s[TMV]:mNeonGreen-CI{PIV-216}:NosTThis binary vector expresses mNeonGreen containing the PIV intron (216 bp into the gene) with extra 3' splice site removed (corrected intron) with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter and TMV UTR
212174pLSU1/t35s[TMV]:mNeonGreen-CI{PIV-390}:NosTThis binary vector expresses mNeonGreen containing the PIV intron (390 bp into the gene) with extra 3' splice site removed (corrected intron) with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter and TMV UTR
212175pLSU1/t35s[TMV]:mNeonGreen-CI{AGO-198}:NosTThis binary vector expresses mNeonGreen containing the Argonaut (AGO) intron (390 bp into the gene) with extra 3' splice site removed (corrected intron) with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter and TMV UTR
212176pLSU1/t35s[TMV]:mNeonGreen-CI{PDK-198}:NosTThis binary vector expresses mNeonGreen containing the catalase (PDK) intron (390 bp into the gene) with extra 3' splice site removed (corrected intron) with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter and TMV UTR
212177pLSU1/t35s[]:mCherry:NosTThis binary vector expresses mCherry with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter and no UTR
212178pLSU1/t35s[TMV]:mCherry:NosTThis binary vector expresses mCherry with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter and Tomato Mosaic Virus UTR
212179pLSU1/t35s[]:mCherry-I{PIV-180}:NosTThis binary vector expresses mCherry containing the PIV intron (180bp into the gene) with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter
212180pLSU1/t35s[]:NLuc:NosTThis binary vector expresses NanoLuciferase (Nluc) with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter
212181pLSU1/t35s[TMV]:NLuc:NosTThis binary vector expresses NanoLuciferase (Nluc) with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter and Tomato Mosaic Virus UTR
212182pLSU1/t35s[TMV]:NLuc-I{AGO-405}:NosTThis binary vector expresses Nanoluciferase (Nluc) containing the Argonaut (AGO) intron (405 bp into the gene) with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter and the tomato mosaic virus UTR
212183pLSU1/t35s[]:nnLuz:NosTThis binary vector expresses mushroom luciferase (nnLuz) with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter
212185pLSU1/t35s[TMV]:nnLuz-I{PIV-216}:NosTThis binary vector expresses mushroom luciferase (nnLuz) containing the PIV intron (216 bp into the gene) with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter and Tomato mosaic virus UTR
212186pLSU1/o35s[TMV]:nnLuz-I{PIV-216}:NosTThis binary vector expresses mushroom luciferase (nnLuz) containing the PIV intron (216 bp into the gene) with the original 35sCAMV promoter and Tomato mosaic virus UTR
212187pLSU1/t35s[]:nnLuz-I{PIV-216}:NosTThis binary vector expresses mushroom luciferase (nnLuz) containing the PIV intron (216 bp into the gene) with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter
212188pLSU1/t35s[TMV]:nnLuz:NosTThis binary vector expresses mushroom luciferase (nnLuz) with the truncated 35sCAMV promoter and Tomato mosaic virus UTR
212189pLSU1/o35s[TMV]:nnLuz:NosTThis binary vector expresses mushroom luciferase (nnLuz) with the original 35sCAMV promoter and Tomato mosaic virus UTR
212190pLSU1/SCBV:nnLuz-I{PIV-216}:NosTThis binary vector expresses mushroom luciferase (nnLuz) containing the PIV intron (216 bp into the gene) with the Sugarcane bacilliform virus (SCBV) promoter and UTR
212191pLSU1/Os-ubi:nnLuz-I{PIV-216}:NosTThis binary vector expresses mushroom luciferase (nnLuz) containing the PIV intron (216 bp into the gene) with the rice ubiquitin (R. ubi) promoter and UTR
212192pLSU1/MtHp:nnLuz-I{PIV-216}:NosTThis binary vector expresses mushroom luciferase (nnLuz) containing the PIV intron (216 bp into the gene) with the strong Medicago trunculata MtHP promoter and UTR
212193pLSU2/mIR{PepGMV}:mNeonGreen:NosTThis binary vector expresses mNeonGreen with a modified IR pepper golden mosaic virus (PepGMV) promoter

Antibodies from Article