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Ryan Mehl Lab: Engineering of Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase/tRNA pairs for efficient genetic encoding of non-canonical amino acids into proteins.


Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
212119pALS3-Ma-sfGFP-WTFluorescence control plasmid for selecting ncAA-encoding Methanomethylophilus alvus Pyl-RS mutants. Expresses sfGFP-WT and M. alvus Pyl-tRNA(6). p15a origin. Tetracycline resistance.
212120pALS3-Ma-SUMO-TAG35-sfGFPFluorescence plasmid for selecting ncAA-encoding Methanomethylophilus alvus Pyl-RS mutants. Expresses SUMO-TAG35-sfGFP and M. alvus Pyl-tRNA(6). p15a origin. Tetracycline resistance.
212121pALS3-Ma-sfGFP-TAG150Fluorescence plasmid for selecting ncAA-encoding Methanomethylophilus alvus Pyl-RS mutants. Expresses sfGFP-TAG150 and M. alvus Pyl-tRNA(6). p15a origin. Tetracycline resistance.
212122pALS3-Ma-SUMO-sfGFP-WTFluorescence control plasmid for selecting ncAA-encoding Methanomethylophilus alvus Pyl-RS mutants. Expresses SUMO-sfGFP-WT and M. alvus Pyl-tRNA(6). p15a origin. Tetracycline resistance.
212125pBK-Ma pylRS nitroY/haloY-F5Expresses Methanomethylophilus alvus pyrrolysine tRNA synthetase engineered for 3-nitroY and 3-haloY under GlnS promoter. Used as a control for Ma Pyl tRNA-synthetase selections.

Antibodies from Article