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Helmut Pospiech Lab: Pospiech Lab Plasmids 2023


Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
211380pCdc45-mCherrymammalian expression of human Cdc45 C-terminally fused to mCherry
211381pEGFP-RPA32mammalian expression of human RPA32 N-terminally fused to EGFP
211382pmCherry-RPA32mammalian expression of human RPA32 N-terminally fused to mCherry
211383pRPA32-EGFPmammalian expression of human RPA32 C-terminally fused to EGFP
211384pRPA32-mCherrymammalian expression of human RPA32 C-terminally fused to mCherry
211385pmCer-RPA32mammalian expression of human RPA32 N-terminally fused to mCerulean
211386pmVen-RPA32mammalian expression of human RPA32 N-terminally fused to mVenus
211387pcDNA3-RPA32-mCermammalian expression of human RPA32 C-terminally fused to mCerulean
211388pcDNA3-RPA32-mVenmammalian expression of human RPA32 C-terminally fused to mVenus
211389pcDNA3-Cdc45-mCermammalian expression of human Cdc45 C-terminally fused to mCerulean
211390pcDNA3-Cdc45-mVenmammalian expression of human Cdc45 C-terminally fused to mVenus
211391pmCer-Mcm5mammalian expression of human Mcm5 N-terminally fused to mCerulean
211392pmVen-Mcm5mammalian expression of human Mcm5 N-terminally fused to mVenus
211393pcDNA3-Mcm5-mCermammalian expression of human Mcm5 C-terminally fused to mCerulean
211394pcDNA3-Mcm5-mVenmammalian expression of human Mcm5 C-terminally fused to mVenus
211395pmCer-Mcm2mammalian expression of human Mcm2 N-terminally fused to mCerulean
211396pmVen-Mcm2mammalian expression of human Mcm2 N-terminally fused to mVenus
211397pcDNA3-Mcm2-mCermammalian expression of human Mcm2 C-terminally fused to mCerulean
211398pcDNA3-Mcm2-mVenmammalian expression of human Mcm2 C-terminally fused to mVenus
211399pcDNA3.1+-RecQL4mammalian expression of human RecQL4
211400pmCer-RecQL4mammalian expression of human RecQL4 N-terminally fused to mCerulean
211401pmVen-RecQL4mammalian expression of human RecQL4 N-terminally fused to mVenus
211402pcDNA3-RecQL4-mCermammalian expression of human RecQL4 C-terminally fused to mCerulean
211403pcDNA3-RecQL4-mVenmammalian expression of human RecQL4 C-terminally fused to mVenus
211404pmCer-Treslinmammalian expression of human Treslin N-terminally fused to mCerulean
211405pmVen-Treslinmammalian expression of human Treslin N-terminally fused to mVenus
211408pmCer-DHX9mammalian expression of human DHX9 N-terminally fused to mCerulean
211409pmVen-DHX9mammalian expression of human DHX9 N-terminally fused to mVenus
211412pmCer-TopBP1mammalian expression of human TopBP1 N-terminally fused to mCerulean
211413pmVen-TopBP1mammalian expression of human TopBP1 N-terminally fused to mVenus
211414pcDNA3-TopBP1-mCermammalian expression of human TopBP1 C-terminally fused to mCerulean
211415pcDNA3-TopBP1-mVenmammalian expression of human TopBP1 C-terminally fused to mVenus
211416pRSF-Duet-6His-C17orf53bacterial expression of human C17orf53 N-terminally fused to a 6xHis-Tag
211417pRSF-Duet-C17orf53-6Hisbacterial expression of human C17orf53 C-terminally fused to 6xHis-Tag
211418pmCer-C17orf53mammalian expression of human C17orf53 N-terminally fused to mCerulean
211419pmVen-C17orf53mammalian expression of human C17orf53 N-terminally fused to mVenus
211420pcDNA3-C17orf53-mCermammalian expression of human C17orf53 C-terminally fused to mCerulean
211421pcDNA3-C17orf53-mVenmammalian expression of human C17orf53 C-terminally fused to mVenus
211422pmCer-C16orf59mammalian expression of human C16orf59 N-terminally fused to mCerulean
211423pmVen-C16orf59mammalian expression of human C16orf59 N-terminally fused to mVenus
211424pcDNA3-C16orf59-mCermammalian expression of human C16orf59 C-terminally fused to mCerulean
211425pcDNA3-C16orf59-mVenmammalian expression of human C16orf59 C-terminally fused to mVenus
211428pmVen-IRESVector backbone for coupled mammalian expression of N-terminal Venus fusion protein and another protein
211429pVen-RPA32-IRES-RPA14mammalian expression of human RPA32 N-terminally fused to mVenus and RPA14
211430pRPA70-IRES-Ven-RPA32-IRES-RPA14mammalian expression of human RPA32 N-terminally fused to mVenus and RPA70 and RPA14
211431pmVen-RPA70-IRES-RPA32-IRES-RPA14mammalian expression of human RPA70 N-terminally fused to mVenus and RPA32 and RPA14
211432pRPA70-IRES-RPA32-IRES-RPA14mammalian expression of human RPA70 and RPA32 and RPA14
211433pRSF-DUET-C17orf53_1-87-Strepbacterial expression of the N-terminal amino acids 1-87 of human C17orf53 C-terminally fused to a Strep-Tag
211434pRSF-DUET-C17orf53_1-241-Strepbacterial expression of the N-terminal amino acids 1-241 of human C17orf53 C-terminally fused to a Strep-Tag
211435pPAL7-C17orf53_1-87bacterial expression of the N-terminal amino acids 1-87 of human C17orf53 N-terminally fused to Profinity eXact-Tag
211436pPAL7-C17orf53_1-175bacterial expression of the N-terminal amino acids 1-175 of human C17orf53 N-terminally fused to Profinity eXact-Tag
211437pPAL7-C17orf53_1-241bacterial expression of the N-terminal amino acids 1-241 of human C17orf53 N-terminally fused to Profinity eXact-Tag
211438pEGGsH6-MCS_SHORT_inFrameVector backbone for random polymerase chain reaction screen
211439pEGGsH6_MCS_SHORT_outFrameVector backbone for random polymerase chain reaction screen
211441pcDNA3-C17orf53_1-87-mCermammalian expression of the N-terminal amino acids 1-87 of human C17orf53 C-terminally fused to mCerulean
211442pcDNA3-C17orf53_1-87-mVenmammalian expression of the N-terminal amino acids 1-87 of human C17orf53 C-terminally fused to mVenus
211443pcDNA3-C17orf53_1-241-mCermammalian expression of the N-terminal amino acids 1-241 of human C17orf53 C-terminally fused to mCerulean
211444pcDNA3-C17orf53_1-241-mVenmammalian expression of the N-terminal amino acids 1-241 of human C17orf53 C-terminally fused to mVenus
211445pFastBac1-C17orf53generation of Bacmid for insect cell expression of C17orf53
211446pFastBac1-C17orf53-Strepgeneration of Bacmid for insect cell expression of C17orf53 C-terminally fused to Strep-Tag
211447pFastBac1-C17orf53-FLAGgeneration of Bacmid for insect cell expression of C17orf53 C-terminally fused to FLAG-Tag
211448pcDNA3-BG4-NLS-mCermammalian expression anti-G4-DNA antibody BG4 C-terminally fused to nuclear localization sequence
211449pcDNA3-BG4-NLS-mVenmammalian expression anti-G4-DNA antibody BG4 C-terminally fused to nuclear localization sequence

Antibodies from Article