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Signaling dynamics distinguish high- and low-priority neutrophil chemoattractant receptors.

Lundgren SM, Rocha-Gregg BL, Akdogan E, Mysore MN, Hayes S, Collins SR
Sci Signal. 2023 Oct 3;16(805):eadd1845. doi: 10.1126/scisignal.add1845. Epub 2023 Oct 3. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
208087pLV_PGK_LTB4RMammalian expression of the wild-type human LTB4 receptor LTB4R.
208088pLV_PGK_LTB4R(T308A)Mammalian expression of the human LTB4 receptor LTB4R with the T308A mutation.
208089pLV_PGK_LTB4R(S310A)Mammalian expression of the human LTB4 receptor LTB4R with the S310A mutation.
208090pLV_PGK_LTB4R(T308A,S310A)Mammalian expression of the human LTB4 receptor LTB4R with the T308A and S310A mutations.
208091pLV_PGK_3xHA-LTB4RMammalian expression of the wild-type human LTB4 receptor LTB4R with an N-terminal 3x HA tag.
208092pLV_PGK_3xHA-LTB4R(T308A)Mammalian expression of the human LTB4 receptor LTB4R with the T308A mutation with an N-terminal 3x HA tag.
208093pLV_PGK_3xHA-LTB4R(S310A)Mammalian expression of the human LTB4 receptor LTB4R with the S310A mutation with an N-terminal 3x HA tag.
208094pLV_PGK_3xHA-LTB4R(T308A,S310A)Mammalian expression of the human LTB4 receptor LTB4R with the T308A and S310A mutations with an N-terminal 3x HA tag.

Antibodies from Article