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A frame-shift mutation in COMTD1 is associated with impaired pheomelanin pigmentation in chicken.

Bi H, Tranell J, Harper DC, Lin W, Li J, Hellstrom AR, Larsson M, Rubin CJ, Wang C, Sayyab S, Kerje S, Bed'hom B, Gourichon D, Ito S, Wakamatsu K, Tixier-Boichard M, Marks MS, Globisch D, Andersson L
PLoS Genet. 2023 Apr 17;19(4):e1010724. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1010724. eCollection 2023 Apr. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

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