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Genetic Encoding of 7-Aza-l-tryptophan: Isoelectronic Substitution of a Single CH-Group in a Protein for a Nitrogen Atom for Site-Selective Isotope Labeling.

Abdelkader EH, Qianzhu H, Huber T, Otting G
ACS Sens. 2023 Oct 27. doi: 10.1021/acssensors.3c01904. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
207516pRSF-G1(7AW)RStRNA synthetase/tRNA pair for the in vivo incorporation of 7-Aza-L-Tryptophan (7AW) into proteins in E. coli in response to the amber (TAG) codon
207517pET-21(+)Tm9D8* TrpBExpression of Tm9D8* TrpB for the synthesis of 7-Aza-L-Tryptophan (7AW) from 7-Azaindole (7AI) and serine

Antibodies from Article