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Systematic analysis of the molecular and biophysical properties of key DNA damage response factors.

Heyza JR, Mikhova M, Bahl A, Broadbent DG, Schmidt JC
Elife. 2023 Jun 21;12:e87086. doi: 10.7554/eLife.87086. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
207076Halo-SHLD1 HRDHomologous recombination donor for insertion of a HaloTag at the N-terminus of the endogenous SHLD1 locus.
207077Halo-SHLD3 HRDHomologous recombination donor for insertion of a HaloTag at the N-terminus of the endogenous SHLD3 locus.
207078Halo-SHLD2 HRDHomologous recombination donor for insertion of a HaloTag at the N-terminus of the endogenous SHLD2 locus.
207080RNF168-Halo HRDHomologous recombination donor for insertion of a HaloTag at the C-terminus of the endogenous RNF168 locus.
207081Rif1-Halo HRDHomologous recombination donor for insertion of a HaloTag at the C-terminus of the endogenous RIF1 locus.
207082ATM-Halo HRDHomologous recombination donor for insertion of a HaloTag at the C-terminus of the endogenous ATM locus.
207083RNF169-Halo HRDHomologous recombination donor for insertion of a HaloTag at the C-terminus of the endogenous RNF169 locus.
207085Halo-ATM HRDHomologous recombination donor for insertion of a HaloTag at the N-terminus of the endogenous ATM locus.
207086Halo-MDC1 HRDHomologous recombination donor for insertion of a HaloTag at the N-terminus of the endogenous MDC1 locus.
207087Halo-53BP1 HRDHomologous recombination donor for insertion of a HaloTag at the N-terminus of the endogenous 53BP1 locus.
207089ATM N-terminal sgRNApX330 based plasmid for expression of Cas9 and the ATCATTAAGTACTAGACTCA sgRNA to target the ATM locus.
207090MDC1 N-terminal sgRNApX330 based plasmid for expression of Cas9 and the GTATCCTTCCCAGATCATGG sgRNA to target the MDC1 locus.
20709153BP1 N-terminal sgRNApX330 based plasmid for expression of Cas9 and the GGGGAGCAGATGGACCCTAC sgRNA to target the 53BP1 locus.
207092NBS1 C-terminal sgRNApX330 based plasmid for expression of Cas9 and the TAAAAAGGAGAAGATAACTG sgRNA to target the NBS1 locus.
207094SHLD3 N-terminal sgRNApX330 based plasmid for expression of Cas9 and the TTACTGCAGAATGACTACAG sgRNA to target the SHLD3 locus.
207097ATM C-terminal sgRNApX330 based plasmid for expression of Cas9 and the TTTCTAAAGGCTGAATGAAA sgRNA to target the ATM locus.
207098SHLD2 N-terminal sgRNApX330 based plasmid for expression of Cas9 and the TTTTTATCAGAAATCATGAG sgRNA to target the SHLD2 locus.
207099RNF169 C-terminal sgRNApX330 based plasmid for expression of Cas9 and the ACACTTCATTAGGTGCTACT sgRNA to target the RNF169 locus.
207101SHLD1 N-terminal sgRNApX330 based plasmid for expression of Cas9 and the ATGGCAGGACTATGGCAGCC sgRNA to target the SHLD1 locus.
207102HaloTag KO sgRNApX330 based plasmid for expression of Cas9 and the GTCGATGTTGGTCCGCGCGA sgRNA to target the HaloTag coding sequence.
207103MDC1 KO sgRNApX330 based plasmid for expression of Cas9 and the GGTGTAACGTGGAGCCAGTA sgRNA to target the MDC1 coding sequence.
20710453BP1 KO sgRNApX330 based plasmid for expression of Cas9 and the AGATTCTCAGCCTGAAAGCC sgRNA to target the 53BP1 coding sequence.
207105SHLD3 KO sgRNA #1pX330 based plasmid for expression of Cas9 and the CGCTATCAAGATTTATACCT sgRNA to target the SHLD3 locus..
207106SHLD3 KO sgRNA #2pX330 based plasmid for expression of Cas9 and the CTGAAGGAACAGACTAATTC sgRNA to target the SHLD3 locus..
207108Halo-MDC1pHTN HaloTag CMV-neo (Promega; #G7721) based vector to express HaloTag-MDC1 in human cells.
207109Halo-MDC1 PST deletionpHTN HaloTag CMV-neo (Promega; #G7721) based vector to express HaloTag-MDC1 with a deletion of the PST repeat region in human cells.
207110Halo-MDC1 BRCT domain deletionpHTN HaloTag CMV-neo (Promega; #G7721) based vector to express HaloTag-MDC1 with a deletion of the BRCT domain in human cells.

Antibodies from Article