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Matthias Prigge Lab: Prigge Lab AAV vectors


Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
205280pAAV_CbH_SIO_SyGCaMP8s_p2a_mRubySynaptic activity can be imaged with Synaptophysin GCaMP, while simultaneously, a red fluorescence structural marker can be employed to provide a visual reference for the cellular architecture.
205281pAAV_hSyn_GCaMP6m_sWPRE_spA_mDLX_nls_mRuby3_ssWPRE_spACaMP used to measuring calcium changes in neurons, while nls-mRuby is employed to specifically identify cortical GABAergic neurons. This dual labeling approach allows for the simultaneous observation of neuronal activity using GCaMP and the identification of a specific subset of neurons using nls-mRuby, focusing specifically on cortical GABAergic neurons.
205282pAAV_Ef1a_DIO_MyrPalm_mScarlet_WT_IRES_mNeon_minBackIn order to efficiently visualize projection and cell somata in light-sheet preparations, a combination of membrane-targeted and diffusible red fluorophores was developed. Additionally an ALFA tag
205283pAAV_EF1a_DIO_jGCaMP8f_nano_ribo_WPREGCaMP8f fusion to ribosome nanobody to restrict expression to soma (similar to Chen et al. 2020)
205284pAAV_Cbh_DIO_hTyrNull_HATagTruncated version of human Tyrosinase as control virus for Tyrosinase expression
205285pAAV_Ef1a_DIO_hTyrNull_HATagTruncated version of human Tyrosinase as control virus for Tyrosinase expression
205286pAAV_Ef1a_DIO_hTyrHA_minBackInduces NM-like pigment accumulation in catecholaminergic neurons
205287pAAV_Cbh_DIO_hTyrInduces NM-like pigment accumulation in catecholaminergic neurons
205288pAAV_CKII(0.4)_AzPPO_D14_ts_mScarlet_Kv2.1Bistable opsin for neuronal inhibition
205289pAAV_CKI(0.4)_HA_AzPPO_AgeI_nrxn1a_WT_IRES_mScarletBistable opsin for neuronal inhibition

Antibodies from Article