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Recording physiological history of cells with chemical labeling.

Huppertz MC, Wilhelm J, Grenier V, Schneider MW, Falt T, Porzberg N, Hausmann D, Hoffmann DC, Hai L, Tarnawski M, Pino G, Slanchev K, Kolb I, Acuna C, Fenk LM, Baier H, Hiblot J, Johnsson K
Science. 2024 Feb 23;383(6685):890-897. doi: 10.1126/science.adg0812. Epub 2024 Feb 22. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
194659pET-51b(+)-cpHalo∆Protein production of the split HaloTag part cpHalo∆ (cpHaloTag135/156) in bacteria
194660pET-51b(+)-cpHaloTag141/145Protein production of circular permuted HaloTag (cpHaloTag141/145) in bacteria
194661pET-51b(+)-cpHaloTag154/156Protein production of circular permuted HaloTag (cpHaloTag154/156) in bacteria
194662pET-51b(+)-Caprola_01Protein production of the split HaloTag based calcium recorder Caprola_01 in bacteria
194663pET-51b(+)-Caprola_02Protein production of the split HaloTag based calcium recorder Caprola_02 in bacteria
194664pET-51b(+)-Caprola_03Protein production of the split HaloTag based calcium recorder Caprola_03 in bacteria
194665pET-51b(+)-Caprola_04Protein production of the split HaloTag based calcium recorder Caprola_04 in bacteria
194666pET-51b(+)-Caprola_05Protein production of the split HaloTag based calcium recorder Caprola_05 in bacteria
194667pET-51b(+)-Caprola_06Protein production of the split HaloTag based calcium recorder Caprola_06 in bacteria
194668pET-51b(+)-Caprola_07Protein production of the split HaloTag based calcium recorder Caprola_07 in bacteria
194669pET-51b(+)-Caprola_08Protein production of the split HaloTag based calcium recorder Caprola_08 in bacteria
194670pET-51b(+)-Caprola_09Protein production of the split HaloTag based calcium recorder Caprola_09 in bacteria
194671pET-51b(+)-Caprola_10Protein production of the split HaloTag based calcium recorder Caprola_10 in bacteria
194672pET-51b(+)-Caprola_11Protein production of the split HaloTag based calcium recorder Caprola_11 in bacteria
194673pET-51b(+)-Caprola_12Protein production of the split HaloTag based calcium recorder Caprola_12 in bacteria
194674pET-51b(+)-Caprola_13Protein production of the split HaloTag based calcium recorder Caprola_13 in bacteria
194675pET-51b(+)-Caprola_14Protein production of the split HaloTag based calcium recorder Caprola_14 in bacteria
194676pET-51b(+)-Caprola_15Protein production of the split HaloTag based calcium recorder Caprola_15 in bacteria
194678pcDNA3.1-CHRM3-cpHalo∆-mEGFPCMV driven expression of the m3 GPCR recorder in mammalian cell lines fused to mEGFP
194679pcDNA3.1-DRD2-cpHalo∆-mEGFPCMV driven expression of D2R GPCR recorder in mammalian cell lines fused to mEGFP
194680pcDNA3.1-Hpep1-betaArrestin2-T2A-mTagBFP2CMV driven co-expression of peptide complementing GPCR recorder (beta-arrestin 2 fusion) and mTagBFP2
194681pCDNA5/FRT_CMV_NES-Caprola_01-mEGFPCMV driven expression of the calcium recorder Caprola_01 in mammalian cell lines fused to mEGFP
194682pCDNA5/FRT_CMV_NES-Caprola_04-mEGFPCMV driven expression of the calcium recorder Caprola_04 in mammalian cell lines fused to mEGFP
194683pCDNA5/FRT_CMV_NES-Caprola_05-mEGFPCMV driven expression of the calcium recorder Caprola_05 in mammalian cell lines fused to mEGFP
194684pCDNA5/FRT_CMV_NES-Caprola_06-mEGFPCMV driven expression of the calcium recorder Caprola_06 in mammalian cell lines fused to mEGFP
194685pCDNA5/FRT_CMV_NES-Caprola_09-mEGFPCMV driven expression of the calcium recorder Caprola_09 in mammalian cell lines fused to mEGFP
194686pCDNA5/FRT_CMV_NES-Caprola_on-mEGFPCMV driven expression of the consitutively active calcium recorder positive control Caprola_on in mammalian cell lines fused to mEGFP
194687pCDNA5/FRT_CMV_NES-Caprola_off-mEGFPCMV driven expression of the inactive calcium recorder negative control Caprola_off in mammalian cell lines fused to mEGFP
194688pAAV2_hSyn_NES-Caprola_04-mEGFP_WRPE-SV40hSyn1 driven expression of the calcium recorder Caprola_04 fused to mEGFP for neuronal expression through AAV transduction
194689pAAV2_hSyn_NES-Caprola_05-mEGFP_WRPE-SV40hSyn1 driven expression of the calcium recorder Caprola_05 fused to mEGFP for neuronal expression through AAV transduction
194690pAAV2_hSyn_NES-Caprola_06-mEGFP_WRPE-SV40hSyn1 driven expression of the calcium recorder Caprola_06 fused to mEGFP for neuronal expression through AAV transduction
194691pAAV2_hSyn_NES-Caprola_on-mEGFP_WRPE-SV40hSyn1 driven expression of the consitutively active calcium recorder positive control Caprola_on fused to mEGFP for neuronal expression through AAV transduction
194692pAAV2_hSyn_NES-Caprola_off-mEGFP_WRPE-SV40hSyn1 driven expression of the inactive calcium recorder negative control Caprola_off fused to mEGFP for neuronal expression through AAV transduction
194693pLKO.1-puro_CMV_NES-Caprola_06-mEGFPCMV driven expression of the calcium recorder Caprola_06 fused to mEGFP for neuronal expression through through lentivirus transduction
194694pLKO.1-puro_CMV_NES-Caprola_on-mEGFPCMV driven expression of the consitutively active calcium recorder positive control Caprola_on fused to mEGFP for neuronal expression through lentivirus transduction
194695pLKO.1-puro_CMV_NES-Caprola_off-mEGFPCMV driven expression of the inactive calcium recorder negative control Caprola_off fused to mEGFP for neuronal expression through lentivirus transduction
194696pTol2_elavl3(HuC)_NES-Caprola_01-mEGFPHuC driven expression of the calcium recorder Caprola_01 fused to mEGFP for neuronal expression in zebrafish
194697pTol2_elavl3(HuC)_NES-Caprola_on-mEGFPHuC driven expression of the consitutively active calcium recorder positive control Caprola_on fused to mEGFP for neuronal expression in zebrafish
194698pTol2_elavl3(HuC)_NES-Caprola_off-mEGFPHuC driven expression of the inactive calcium recorder negative control Caprola_off fused to mEGFP for neuronal expression in zebrafish
205703pCDNA5/FRT-Lyn11-mEGFP-cpHalo∆-(GGS)9-FKBP-P2A-Hpep3-(GGS)3-FRB-mScarlettCMV driven co-expression of split HaloTag FKBP- and FRB-fusions (Lyn11-EGFP-FKBP-cpHalo∆ and Hpep1-FRB-mScarlett) in mammalian cell lines
205704pJFRC7-20XUAS-IVS-NES_Caprola5-mEGFPGal4 driven expression of EGFP-Caprola5 for targeted expression in Drosophila flies

Antibodies from Article