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Sentinel cells enable genetic detection of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein

Weinberg ZY, Hilburger CE, Kim M, Cao L, Khalid M, Elmes S, Diwanji D, Hernandez E, Lopez J, Schaefer K, Smith AM, Zhou F, QCRG Structural Biology Consortium, Kumar GR, Ott M, Baker D, El-Samad H
bioRxiv 2021.04.20.440678 (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
194217pHR_Gal4UASpyb-TATA_tBFP_pGK_mCitrine (RL407)Lentiviral transducition vector for a GAL4-responsive tagBFP reporter gene
194218PDGFR-TMD (MTK 3B) (pZYW025)Mammalian Toolkit part 3b encoding the transmembrane domain of PDGFR
194220MTK Lentivirus Single Cassette Destination Vector (pAN2414)Backbone for constructing single casette expression plasmids using the Mammalian Tookit
194221MTK Lentivirus Multi Cassette Destination Vector (pAN2424)Backbone for constructing multi casette expression plasmids using the Mammalian Tookit
194222SynNotch TMD/Gal4-VP64 ICD (MTK 3b) (pAN1031)Mammalian Toolkit part 3b encoding SynNotch and GAL4-VP64 to be used in designing modular receptors
194223T2A-mCherry (MTK 4a) (pAN3844)Mammalian Toolkit part 4a encoding a T2A polycistronic element followed by mCherry
194224PGK Promoter (MTK 2) (pAN2822)Mammalian Toolkit part 2 encoding the PGK promoter
194225EF1a Promoter (MTK 2) (pAN2824)Mammalian Toolkit part 2 containing the EF1a promoter
194226PGK_ACE2-ECD_Notch-Gal4VP64 (pZYW037)Lentiviral expression vector expressing ACE2-ECD SynNotch and mCherry transduction marker
194227LCB1_v1.3 (MTK 3a) (pZYW044)Mammalian Toolkit part 3a encoding the synthetic Spike binder LCB1
194228LCB3_v1.2 (MTK 3a) (pZYW045)Mammalian Toolkit part 3a encoding the synthetic Spike binder LCB3
194229PGK-LCB1_v1.3-NotchGal4VP64-T2A-mCherry (pZYW046)Lentiviral expression vector expressing LCB1 SynNotch and mCherry transduction marker
194230PGK-LCB3_v1.2-NotchGal4VP64-T2A-mCherry (pZYW047)Lentiviral expression vector expressing LCB3 SynNotch and mCherry transduction marker
194231EF1a-LCB1_v1.3-PDGFR-T2A-mCherry (pZYW048)Lentiviral expression vector expressing LCB1 on the cell surface attached to PDGFR's transmembrane domain and mCherry transduction marker
194232EF1a-LCB3_v1.2-PDGFR-T2A-mCherry (pZYW049)Lentiviral expression vector expressing LCB3 on the cell surface attached to PDGFR's transmembrane domain and mCherry transduction marker
194233SS-Myc-HexaPro-Foldon (MTK 3a) (pZYW077)Mammalian Toolkit part 3a encoding Jason McClellan lab's 6-proline Spike extracellular domain
194234EF1a-HexaPro_Foldon-PDGFR-T2A-mCherry (pZYW079)Lentiviral expression vector expressing Jason McClellan lab's 6-proline Spike extracellular domain on the cell surface attached to PDGFR's transmembrane domain and mCherry transduction marker
194235WPRE (MTK 4b) (pAN2410)Mammalian Toolkit Part 4b encoding the WPRE for use with lentiviral backbones

Antibodies from Article