Synthetic memory circuits for stable cell reprogramming in plants.
Lloyd JPB, Ly F, Gong P, Pflueger J, Swain T, Pflueger C, Fourie E, Khan MA, Kidd BN, Lister R
Nat Biotechnol. 2022 Jul 4. pii: 10.1038/s41587-022-01383-2. doi: 10.1038/s41587-022-01383-2.
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Plasmids from Article
ID | Plasmid | Purpose |
192370 | LLP727_L2_pV01_0I_TMV-rLUC_TCTP-fLUC | To control for variation introduced to the gene circuits, Rluc expression not affected by the introduction of terminators or recombination target sites. |
192371 | LLP728_L2_pV01_0I_FRT-TB-rLUC_TCTP-fLUC | To test for the repressive potential of the Transcription Block (TB) with the FRT sites around it. |
192372 | LLP729_L2_pV01_0I_FRT-OCS-rLUC_TCTP-fLUC | To test for the repressive potential of the OCS with the FRT sites around it. Then used as a control to represent the off state of many cicuits. |
192373 | LLP730_L2_pV01_0I_FRT-OCS-TB-rLUC_TCTP-fLUC | To test for the repressive potential of the OCS and Transcription Block (TB) fusion with the FRT sites around it. |
192374 | LLP731_L2_pV01_0I_FRT-OCStrunc-Rluc_lacZ | To test for the repressive potential of the OCS variant (truncation) with the FRT sites around it. |
192375 | LLP732_L2_pV01_0I_FRT-35Ster-Rluc_lacZ | To test for the repressive potential of the 35S terminator from CaMV with the FRT sites around it. |
192376 | LLP733_L2_pV01_0I_FRT-uORF-rLUC_TCTP-fLUC | To test for the repressive potential of the conserved peptide uORF from AT1G36730 with the FRT sites around it. |
192377 | LLP734_L2pV1_1I_OCS-rLUC_F-NOS-FlpO | To test if the NOS promoter can drive the Flp recomhinase in order to remove the OCS terminator and increase circuit output. |
192378 | LLP735_L2pV1_1I_OCS-rLUC_F-TCTP-FlpO | To test if the TCTP promoter can drive the Flp recomhinase in order to remove the OCS terminator and increase circuit output. |
192379 | LLP736_L2pV1_1I_Act2_FRT_OCS_TCTP_Flp_lacZ | To test if the TCTP promoter can drive the Flp recomhinase in order to remove the OCS terminator and increase circuit output (despite the presence of the lacZ endlinker). |
192380 | LLP737_L2pV1_1I_Act2_FRT_OCS_Act2_Flp_lacZ | To test if the Act2 promoter can drive the Flp recomhinase in order to remove the OCS terminator and increase circuit output. |
192381 | LLP738_L2pV1_1I_Act2_FRT_OCS_s35S_Flp_lacZ | To test if the 35S promoter can drive the Flp recomhinase in order to remove the OCS terminator and increase circuit output. |
192382 | LLP792_L2_FRT-OCS-tGFP_Red_mCherry_HSP-FlpO | To test if a single plasmid stably transformed into Arabidopsis can switched from off to on when heat shocked. |
192383 | LLP739_L2_pV01_0I_B3RT-OCS-Rluc_lacZ | To act as the off state for testing of the alt B3 recombinase. |
192384 | LLP740_L2pV1_1I_B3RT-OCS-Rluc_TCTP-B3o_lacZ | To act as the on state for testing of the alt B3 recombinase. |
192385 | LLP741_L2pV1_CR_B3RT-Rluc_TCTP-FlpO_lacZ | To test for if Flp is able to de-repress a circuit with B3RT, to rule out cross-reactivity between these recombinases. |
192386 | LLP742_L2pV1_CR_FRT-Rluc_TCTP-B3o_lacZ | To test for if B3 is able to de-repress a circuit with FRT, to rule out cross-reactivity between these recombinases. |
192387 | LLP743_L2pV1_OR_B3RT_FRT_Rluc_0I_lacZ | To act as the 0-input state of the OR gate. |
192388 | LLP744_L2pV1_OR_B3RT_FRT_Rluc_1IF_lacZ | To act as a 1-input state of the OR gate. |
192389 | LLP745_L2pV1_OR_B3RT_FRT_Rluc_1IB_lacZ | To act as a 1-input state of the OR gate. |
192390 | LLP746_L2pV1_OR_B3RT_FRT_Rluc_2IFB_lacZ | To act as a 2-input state of the OR gate. |
192391 | LLP747_L2pV1_OR_B3RT_FRT_Rluc_2IBF_lacZ | To act as a 2-input state of the OR gate. |
192392 | LLP748_L2pV1_AND_B3RT_FRT_Rluc_0I_lacZ | To act as the 0-input state of the AND gate. |
192393 | LLP749_L2pV1_AND_B3RT_FRT_Rluc_1IF_lacZ | To act as a 1-input state of the AND gate. |
192394 | LLP750_L2pV1_AND_B3RT_FRT_Rluc_1IB_lacZ | To act as a 1-input state of the AND gate. |
192395 | LLP751_L2pV1_AND_B3RT_FRT_Rluc_2IFB_lacZ | To act as a 2-input state of the AND gate. |
192396 | LLP752_L2pV1_AND_B3RT_FRT_Rluc_2IBF_lacZ | To act as a 2-input state of the AND gate. |
192397 | LLP793_L2_V05_s35S_AND_GFP_pOp6_Flp_CO2_B3 | To test if a single plasmid stably transformed into Arabidopsis can switched from off to on when its AND gate unit is activated by both cell type (cortex) and chemical induction (by DEX). |
192398 | LLP753_L2pV1_NOT_FRT_Rluc_0I_lacZ | On state for the first generation of NOT gates, which target the Rluc CDS to repress expression via its FRT sites. |
192399 | LLP754_L2pV1_NOT_FRT_Rluc_1IF_lacZ | Off state for the first generation of NOT gates, which target the Rluc CDS to repress expression via its FRT sites. |
192400 | LLP755_L2pV1_NOT_B3RT_Rluc_0I_lacZ | On state for the first generation of NOT gates, which target the Rluc CDS to repress expression via its B3RT sites. |
192401 | LLP756_L2pV1_NOT_B3RT_Rluc_1IB_lacZ | Off state for the first generation of NOT gates, which target the Rluc CDS to repress expression via its B3RT sites. |
192402 | LLP714_L2pV3_NOT_FRT_Rluc_0I_lacZ | On state for the second generation of NOT gates, which target the Rluc promoter to repress expression via its FRT sites. |
192403 | LLP713_L2pV3_NOT_FRT_Rluc_1IF_lacZ | Off state for the second generation of NOT gates, which target the Rluc promoter to repress expression via its FRT sites. |
192404 | LLP757_L2pV3_NOT_B3RT_Rluc_0I_lacZ | On state for the second generation of NOT gates, which target the Rluc promoter to repress expression via its B3RT sites. |
192405 | LLP758_L2pV3_NOT_B3RT_Rluc_1IB_lacZ | Off state for the second generation of NOT gates, which target the Rluc promoter to repress expression via its B3RT sites. |
192406 | LLP726_L2_pV01_0I_TMV-tGFP_TCTP-fLUC | To be a control plasmid that has no Rluc repression (replaced by turboGFP) and should reflect true off state of the circuit. |
192407 | LLP763_L2pV3_ANIMPLYB_B3RT_FRT_OCS_Rluc_0I_lacZ | To act as the 0-input state of the A NIMPLY B gate. |
192408 | LLP764_L2pV3_ANIMPLYB_B3RT_FRT_OCS_Rluc_1IB_lacZ | To act as a 1-input state of the A NIMPLY B gate. |
192409 | LLP765_L2pV3_ANIMPLYB_B3RT_FRT_OCS_Rluc_1IF_lacZ | To act as a 1-input state of the A NIMPLY B gate. |
192410 | LLP766_L2pV3_ANIMPLYB_B3RT_FRT_OCS_Rluc_2IBF_lacZ | To act as a 2-input state of the A NIMPLY B gate. |
192411 | LLP767_L2pV3_ANIMPLYB_B3RT_FRT_OCS_Rluc_2IFB_lacZ | To act as a 2-input state of the A NIMPLY B gate. |
192412 | LLP689_L2_1IF2_FRT-OCS_Rluc_C1_FlpF2 | To act as a 1-input state of the split-AND gate. |
192413 | LLP690_L2_1IF1_FRT-OCS_Rluc_FlpF1_C1-NLS | To act as a 1-input state of the split-AND gate. |
192414 | LLP691_L2_2I_FRT-OCS_Rluc_Flp_C1 | To act as the 2-input state of the split-AND gate. |
192415 | LLP715_L2sV3_NAND_1IF1_FRT_Rluc_FlpF1_C1-NLS_lacZ | To act as a 1-input state of the split-NAND gate. |
192416 | LLP716_L2sV3_NAND_1IF2_FRT_Rluc_FlpF2_C1_lacZ | To act as a 1-input state of the split-NAND gate. |
192417 | LLP717_L2sV3_NAND_2I_FRT_Rluc_Flp-C1_lacZ | To act as the 2-input state of the split-NAND gate. |
192418 | LLP759_L2pV1_OR-OCS_0I | To act as the 0-input state of the OR gate. |
192419 | LLP760_L2pV1_OR-OCS_TCTP-Flp | To act as a 1-input state of the OR gate. |
192420 | LLP761_L2pV1_OR-OCS_s35S-Cre | To act as a 1-input state of the OR gate. |
192421 | LLP762_L2pV1_OR-OCS_TCTP-Flp_s35S-Cre | To act as the 2-input state of the OR gate. |
192422 | LLP670_L2_pV01_0I_SloxM1-OCS-Rluc_lacZ | To act as the off state for testing of the alt SCre recombinase. |
192423 | LLP671_L2_pV01_1I_SloxM1-OCS-Rluc_TCTP_SCre_lacZ | To act as the on state for testing of the alt SCre recombinase. |
192424 | LLP672_L2_pV01_0I_VloxP-OCS-Rluc_lacZ | To act as the off state for testing of the alt VCre recombinase. |
192425 | LLP673_L2_pV01_1I_VloxP-OCS-Rluc_TCTP_VCre_lacZ | To act as the on state for testing of the alt VCre recombinase. |
192426 | LLP674_L2_pV01_0I_vox-OCS-Rluc_lacZ | To act as the off state for testing of the alt Vika recombinase. |
192427 | LLP675_L2_pV01_1I_vox-OCS-Rluc_TCTP_Vika_lacZ | To act as the on state for testing of the alt Vika recombinase. |
192428 | LLP768_L2pV1_NOR_B3RT_FRT_Rluc_0I_lacZ | To act as the 0-input state of the NOR gate. |
192429 | LLP769_L2pV1_NOR_B3RT_FRT_Rluc_1IF_lacZ | To act as a 1-input state of the NOR gate. |
192430 | LLP770_L2pV1_NOR_B3RT_FRT_Rluc_1IB_lacZ | To act as a 1-input state of the NOR gate. |
192431 | LLP771_L2pV1_NOR_B3RT_FRT_Rluc_2IFB_lacZ | To act as a 2-input state of the NOR gate. |
192432 | LLP772_L2pV1_NOR_B3RT_FRT_Rluc_2IBF_lacZ | To act as a 2-input state of the NOR gate. |
192433 | LLP720_pSP13 | To test the relative expression strength of the 35S promoter |
192434 | LLP721_pSP14 | To test the relative expression strength of the Act2 promoter |
192435 | LLP722_pSP15 | To test the relative expression strength of the TCTP1 promoter |