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Genome-wide protein-DNA interaction site mapping in bacteria using a double-stranded DNA-specific cytosine deaminase.

Gallagher LA, Velazquez E, Peterson SB, Charity JC, Radey MC, Gebhardt MJ, Hsu F, Shull LM, Cutler KJ, Macareno K, de Moraes MH, Penewit KM, Kim J, Andrade PA, LaFramboise T, Salipante SJ, Reniere ML, de Lorenzo V, Wiggins PA, Dove SL, Mougous JD
Nat Microbiol. 2022 Jun;7(6):844-855. doi: 10.1038/s41564-022-01133-9. Epub 2022 Jun 1. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
186556pPSV39-ugiBroad host range inducible expression of uracil-DNA glycosylase inhibitor (UGI)
186557pPSV39-dddAIBroad host range regulated expression of the DddA immunity determinant (DddAI)
186558pPSV39-dddAI-FLAGBroad host range regulated expression of the DddA with a C-terminal fusion to a FLAG epitope (DddAI-FLAG)
186559pMMB67EH-dddAIBroad host range regulated expression of the DddA immunity determinant (DddAI)
186560pMMB67EH-dddAI-FLAGBroad host range regulated expression of the DddA immunity determinant with a C-terminal fusion to a FLAG epitope (DddAI-FLAG)
186561pBS10-riboE-dddAIRegulated expression of the DddA immunity determinant (DddAI) in Firmicutes
186562pBS10-ribE-dddAI-FLAGRegulated expression in Firmicutes of the DddA immunity determinant with a C-terminal fusion to a FLAG epitope (DddAI-FLAG)

Antibodies from Article