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Oligomerization of p62 allows for selection of ubiquitinated cargo and isolation membrane during selective autophagy.

Wurzer B, Zaffagnini G, Fracchiolla D, Turco E, Abert C, Romanov J, Martens S
Elife. 2015 Sep 28;4:e08941. doi: 10.7554/eLife.08941. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
187981mCherry-p62-LIR-mutant (LIRAAAA)Plasmid for the expression of a p62 mutant (LIR mutant: p62 3xDW + silent mutation). Internal reference: SMC528
187982mcherry-p62 Double Mutation/SilentK7A/D69A p62 double mutant (PB1AA). Internal reference: SMC532
187984mcherry p62 delta UBA silentmcherry p62 lacking UBA domain (aa389-434) but it has the silent mutations to be resistant to sip62. Internal reference: SMC572
187985mcherry-p62 delta PB1 silenthuman p62 lacking PB1 domain (=aa1-102) with a silent mutation to get resistance for sip62 #5 (Dharmacon). Internal Reference: SMC552
187986mCherry-p62-Silent_Mutation_WThuman p62 with silent mutation for sip62 #5 (Thermo Scientific). Internal reference: SMC516
199779pGEX-4T1_4xUbUsed for the expression of 4X human ubiquitin in tandem (SMC interal no. 538)
199780pET-Duet1-His-TEV-mCherry-p62Used for the expression of mCherry labelled p62 (SMC Internal No. 391).

Antibodies from Article